September 25, 2010

Saturday - Rainy and cool

So very glad to be home. The trip wasn’t all bad, but the last day was very long and by the time we got back to Haneda, F & I weren’t even talking to each other. You can imagine how much fun the flight back to Tsuruoka was…I slept through it.

We got home and I turned on the water, put on my P.J’s and went to sleep for about 6 hours. I didn’t get up until 8 pm. F ate and then went to bed too. I woke him up around 10 and suggested going out for food.

We had a quick and not bad meal at Gusto and then hit the grocery store. F went back to bed almost immediately. I stayed up to watch House and Top Gear.

I plan to update a bit more on our trip. I think Friday was just a long long day. We had to check out of our hotel at 12 and then we literally had nothing to do for 10 and a half hours. It was hot and sunny and I spent more time outside than I have in ages. I was dehydrated, sunburnt and my foot which had been better was really hurting again. I had a meltdown and then F started being all passive aggressive on me and the whole thing was awful.

Anyway, we’re back and pictures may follow soon if I can get them out of my phone!


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