March 5, 2011

Saturday - clear but cool.

An okay day. I got up this morning, took my shower and made breakfast at home for a change. Then, F took me to the dentist. We managed to get there on time, despite F not leaving when I asked him to, taking a wild detour throughout our city and having parking problems at the clinic. Men.

I got half of my teeth cleaned and an x-ray taken of my problem area. I’ll go back next week for the other half’s cleaning. The dentist was running late and so we didn’t get in until almost 12. That wasn’t a problem for me, but for F it was. He was going to have his car fixed at 1:00pm. He had to call and cancel his appointment. Sigh. Sorry dear.

After the dentist, we went to Kintaro sushi for a light lunch and then F dropped me off at my school. I did a tiny amount of snow shovelling and then went in and got ready for my day.

I had two classes today and they went quite well. The first student came but had to leave early, the second came a little late. Tsk, tsk!

After work, F picked me up and we went for tonkatsu. It was quite nice, but I had the seat right in the path of cold air coming in when the door opened, so I was a little cold.

We came home after dinner and had a quiet evening in. F watched some weird stuff on TV, before I made him turn the station to Top Gear and then Heroes. Yay. He went to bed during Heroes. Ironically, I think I’d seen tonight’s episode before when I was in Canada a year or two ago.

Anyway, no plans for tomorrow really, hopefully just taking things easy! That’s it for me. Night!

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