June 15, 2012

Friday - Hot and sunny

A good day.  

I got up on time this morning and took a quick shower.  I then spent a few minutes on my computer before heading out.  I rode to S-Mall and left my bike, then walked the rest of the way to the station.  I bought my ticket and got on a train headed for Sakata.

In Sakata, I met up with my friend and after a slight parking glitch(!) we went first to her apartment and then out for lunch with her ever-so-cute baby.  Lunch was at a local cafe where we had lovely pasta and then fabulous gelato.  It was amazing!

The three of us went walking around downtown Sakata and ended up visiting quite a few temples and shrines.  We didn’t go very far in most of them, just had a good snoop, but it was fun.  

The sun was incredibly strong today and we were both worried about getting sunburnt, despite both of us wearing hats and sunscreen. However, I’m not too bad at the moment. 

I was lucky enough to be dropped off at the station a few minutes before my train home.  I bought my tickets and a canned tea and got on board.  It was an express train and not very crowded, so I had a lovely ride home. 

Back in Tsuruoka, I bought a couple of things at the souvenir store near the station, then walked back to the mall.  My bike was still there. Hurray!  I had a quick drink in Doutors and then rode home.  

I was home a few minutes before F and we had a nice reunion.  He watched a volleyball game (?) and then we went out for dinner to Jiro.  On the way home we stopped in at the grocery store and I got stuff to make dinner tomorrow night.  I must have sunstroke as I never cook on Saturday nights!  It’s a longstanding tradition.  Well, I like it that way usually.  We’re going to have trout-salmon. Which is a fish I don’t really know.  I know trout and I know salmon, but this trout-salmon is a whole new fish to me.

We watched Desperate Housewives and I did some darning in of ends of the blanket.  I’m more than half done on one side. Yay!  

The rest of the night was spent relaxing and using our computers.  It was a nice day all round. It was lovely to see my friend in Sakata, I just don’t go out as often as I’d like these days.  

Tomorrow I’m actually a lady of leisure as my students are both taking a day off tomorrow.  I’m not sure what I’ll get up to as F is quite busy.  I hope I don’t get dragged around the city!  Got to go.  Night!


Anonymous said...

It was great to see you too! I am so glad you solved the parking problem, could have been stuck there a while. o.o/*

Helen said...

Thank you! It just popped into my head to try and manually put the barrier down.

I had a lovely time, I meant to write you privately to say that!