October 21, 2013

Monday - Sunny and warm

A different kind of day.

I woke up very early and I got up before 7:30.  I said goodbye to F and then worked on putting the garbage together.  I said a few nasty words as I found out what F had been doing over the last couple of weeks while I was away.  Maybe I shouldn't have, but I was annoyed. Big-time. I took the garbage out, then did a load of laundry for myself.  

I had breakfast, checked my emails and then got ready to go and meet my friend.  She picked me up on time and we went to The Grand El Son for our lunch.  It was mostly a business lunch as we spent a lot of time on an upcoming project.  

We did a few other things today too.  We visited a shop and then had dessert in Bikkuri Donkey.  That was rather nice.  All too soon it was time to go our separate ways and I came home.

At home I discovered 5 postcards waiting for me to register.  Wow! I also decided to get dinner underway.

I prepared everything…I made cauliflower in cheese sauce, fried chicken and salad, and then as usual, F threw a fit and refused to eat dinner with me.  I was rather upset.  The cauliflower was lovely and a lot of work to put together, so I was miffed.  He really didn't do well for me today.

I did the dishes after I ate, and then watched a bit of TV.  I got very tired in the middle and I'll likely go to bed fairly soon.  It's so depressing when F comes home and acts like a dick.  It really makes me wonder why I bothered coming back to Japan at all!

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight.  I have to go.  Night.

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