August 24, 2014

Sunday - Overcast, but hot and humid

A good day. 

I got up late this morning…and it was still morning, although not by much! We had a relaxing morning and early afternoon, decided to go and have lunch at a Chinese restaurant near Yamaya, the foreign imports store.  It was okay, but not great.  F got a bit mad at me because I wouldn't let him translate the whole freaking menu, but honestly, I stopped him in the middle of telling me all about a dish that had seafood in it.  I rarely eat seafood.  AND HE KNOWS IT. 

Anyway, my food was fine, his ramen wasn't great…same old, same old basically!

We got some stuff at Yamaya today.  F got himself some canned coffee for very cheap, and some root beer too.  I got some bottled jasmine tea and darjeeling tea, plus a box of UVA tea that was going for cheap.  We got some barbecue sauce too, and some basil.  Just stuff, nothing too exciting really. Oh, and feta…that's almost exciting, isn't it?

We came home, dropped things off and then headed back out to the Internet Cafe.  When we got there the parking lot was full.  Seriously, there was no place to park.  F took us for a little detour and we ended up at a DVD rental shop.  Of course, I looked at the DVDs for sale and bought 5.  They had a deal that if you bought 5, they'd be 1000 yen, so not bad really.  We got How to Train Your Dragon, White Oleander, Blitz, The Three Musketeers (latest version), and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  So Yay.  I haven't seen White Oleander or Blitz, but I have all the rest.  

We went back to the Internet Cafe.  This time there was parking, but it was packed inside.  No massaging chairs, no karaoke booths, and even the regular computer desks were full.  We left and came home for a bit.

We talked about it, decided to go for dinner, get groceries and then come home and watch one of our DVDs and that is exactly what we did!  We went to Pisolino, the Italian Buffet and it was nice.  I had cold chicken banbanji pasta, F had something cold with fish eggs, there was a 3 cheese pizza that I had one small piece of, plus a big plate of salad.  I did have a small dessert, but this might be one of the few times I've ever come out of that place not feeling like I ate too much.  

We got food for the next two days at the grocery store.  Tomorrow I'm going to do a chicken stir-fry, Tuesday pasta with spinach.  I just hope I can cook everything well enough!

Oh, usually I do the garbage on Wednesday night for F to take out the next day, but when I put something in it this afternoon I discovered that he'd put his fishing bait in the garbage today.  What??? It was either leave it to stink up the joint until Thursday morning or do it all tonight.  I did it tonight.  Bleck.  I had told him I couldn't go to a frozen foods grocery store until I had room in my freezer!  I have a little bit now :-)

The movie we watched tonight was How to Train Your Dragon.  F loved it as I thought he would.  I went over to the couch and watched it from there.  I darned in some of the ends of my little bag, and crocheted up the bottom.  I might have to undo it later though, so I didn't finish it yet.  

That's about it for me.  Tomorrow, that column must get done or my editor will get mad at me.  Come back tomorrow night and see if I managed to get it done and walk to the park in the morning.  Night!

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