October 29, 2014

Wednesday - Sunny and warmish

A good day.  

I got up rather late today, but got up and stayed up.  I watched TV, had my breakfast and just as I was finishing up, F came home for a second or two.  He invited me out for lunch, and even though I didn’t need to go out today, I accepted.  Yay.  

After he left I got dressed and made the bed.  I did a few other things around the apartment and then after 12 I went out and waited for him.  We went to Kintaro Sushi and enjoyed ourselves.  I wasn’t terribly hungry, so I just had a little.  

F dropped me off at home again, and I came into the apartment.  Unfortunately, I started feeling a bit under the weather and my stomach was upset. I don’t think it was the sushi, I’m not sure what it was.  In a couple of hours I was feeling much better.  In the mean time I did a bit of darning in of ends of the squares I’ve been making.  I got quite a lot done.

I took my package for my sister down to the post office and mailed it off. Done, and in time. Yay me.
I came home again.

F wasn’t very late tonight.  He was home before 6 today.  He wanted an early dinner so we went off to Cocos for dinner.  Tonight we had the reverse of what we had last time.  I had chicken and vegetables in a cherry sauce and he had chicken in a red wine and orange sauce.  We both enjoyed our meal.  We also shared the restaurant’s Halloween Mud Pie for dessert.  I gave F all the bananas!

We came home via the grocery store where we bought groceries for the next couple of days.  Tomorrow we’re going to have fish done in the microwave with some veggies and then probably pasta on Friday.  

We had a good night tonight.  F watched a bit of TV and then I watched CSI at 10 pm.  I went over to the couch and did more darning.  I’ve only got two squares left to do, until I make some more!  

And that was that.  I am up a bit late again, but I’m thinking that I’ll go to bed soon as I’m quite tired.  Catch me again tomorrow night?  Good night!

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