April 4, 2016

Monday - Cloudy, clear at night

A good day.

I overslept again.   This is becoming a thing I’m afraid.  I wake up early, decide to go back to bed for half an hour, which becomes an hour or more.  Sigh.  

I made some porridge for myself this morning and some of my new tea.  I’ve finished some recently, so I allowed myself to buy one new one, an English Breakfast tea.  It’s pretty good.  I caught up on the internet and snoozed a tad, watched a bit of a movie too.  

I got dressed and then did a little dinner prep.  I was cooking sweet potatoes for dinner, so I scrubbed them and put them in my slow cooker.  I had to cut them a bit to make them fit though!

I thought about doing my workout then, but thought F would be home soon.  He did come home, although it wasn’t so soon.  He ate and then left for work again.

In the afternoon I did a workout with a flex band which was a bit tough, and then had lunch.  I quickly did some computer stuff and then I took a shower.  

F came home after work tonight and then went out to check on his mum.  I did the day’s dishes and got started on my chicken stew.  

When F came back, I served us stew on the baked sweet potatoes and it was nice.  Japanese sweet potatoes are dry, so the stew helped moisten them.  We had a lovely dinner really.

I did a few of the dishes afterwards, and then F took over.  I reminded him that we were supposed to go out to finish our shopping, so that’s what we did.  

We went back to Yamaya and I picked up a few things that I had forgotten in the rush to leave yesterday.  Then, we went over to the MaxValu and I got a few more things for the near future.  

We came home and had a nice evening together.  I didn’t get any Postcrossing done, and no crafting either.  Sigh.  Where does the time go?

It’s late and I’m tired, so I’ll end this now.  Tomorrow I’m making a taco salad for dinner and then I hope to get a few other things done during the day.  Come back later and see what I manage to get done.  Until tomorrow….


Usman Makhdoom said...

Mmmmm. That stew sounds brilliant. And followed by taco salad. I like how you describe your food.

Helen said...

It wasn't bad. It's called Simple Soy Sauce Chicken. I got the recipe from Allrecipes.com and over the years have adapted it a bit. Last night I didn't have enough Italian dressing so I added in what I had at home. I didn't have mushrooms so omitted them. I put real onion in and some frozen broccoli and cauliflower and then about 10 minutes before serving I put some frozen peas in. It's a little salty, even with reduced salt soy sauce, so putting it over the sweet potato really balanced it, which was good :-)

I like eating, so I like to make good food :-)

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