May 13, 2016

Friday - Warm and sunny

A good day.

I got up a little late this morning.  I had awoken when F got up this morning and then went back to bed.  I should have just stayed up, but didn’t. 

I made breakfast today, porridge and yogurt and it was delish! I did a workout this morning too, the toning one again.  One day I’ll have muscular arms, one day.  I finished as F was coming in the apartment.  I cut it close, but it was okay.  

He watched some TV and had ramen I think, then left again.  After he left I did my computer stuff and then had lunch.  I had a couple of chicken sandwiches and finished up the broccoli and lettuce from earlier in the week.  

I got out my suitcase and packed a few things into it for my big trip in two weeks.  I have to wash a few things still, but it helped me see where I need to fill in the gaps.  I will have to take care of that next week, and I’ll have to almost finished packing too.

I took a shower and then got stuck in doing the dishes in the kitchen.  I got things cleaned up and started putting things together for dinner.  F came home just at the beginning stages of that.  

I was trying a new recipe for a chicken and broccoli stir-fry.  I had to fudge a few of the ingredients as I didn’t get chicken breasts and I made a mistake and added too much soy sauce.  Oops.  It turned out okay, the recipe did, but it was a bit fiddly.  If I hadn’t had the Costco broccoli, I probably wouldn’t have tried it.  I served it with quinoa which I loved.  F had his with quinoa too, but then decided to add rice too.  I gave him a lot of quinoa, I don’t think he really needed rice, but whatever.

He did the dishes and watched something annoying on TV. I decided to check out a few things on YouTube when F asked me if I’d like to go for a walk.  I said no at first, but then thought that it might be nice.  

We walked to McDonald’s and then kept going.  We walked quite far really, but it was a nice night and we were having a good time together.  We did stop in to McDonald’s on the way back and had a couple of drinks.  I had iced tea, the kind with no sugar, and F had a milk shake.  We walked home afterwards.  It was nice.  I didn’t fall on my face this week!  Hurray for that.  

I watched a little TV and F fell asleep on the couch.  He’s out, poor thing.  He’s had a busy catch up week and I don’t think has been feeling that good either.  

I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to this weekend.  I know that F wants to go to the doctor tomorrow and he’ll have to check in on his mum. There aren’t any new English movies, so we might stay in on Saturday night.  I’d like to watch something on the DVR, we have a lot of movies there but something tells me we won’t do that.  Come back tomorrow and see what I get up to.  Until tomorrow….

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