July 3, 2016

Sunday-Rainy and cloudy

A good day.

I got up very late today.  I slept through my alarms, but got up finally.  F was having a baddish morning, although he’d gone out with his mother so that was good.  He didn’t want to pick a lunch place, so I suggested going to Futaba.  Off we drove.  Unfortunately, the parking lot was very full, so we couldn’t stop.  F suggested going to Simon, so we went there.  

We squeaked in just before last order I think, and had a lovely meal.  We had grilled chicken with a tomato curry sauce on it.  It was very nice.  It came with a bowl of clear soup with seaweed and mushrooms, a tuna-cabbage thing and a salmon salad.  Very yum.  I had mine with a bun, and F had rice.  I know I had the better deal!

After lunch, when they kicked us out nicely, we drove around. I requested going to the Komagi-Spa to buy a few vegetables.  They usually have nice ones and they are a little cheaper.  When we got there it was terribly sad.  The restaurant area is completely closed off and it looks like they are re-building it or doing major construction there.  We did get a few veggies and managed to get in and mostly out before the tour busses came!  I got some zucchini, onions-red and yellow, and a garlic bulb and also a cabbage.  Yay me.  

We tried to go to a new shop, but chickened out at the last minute.  We were both suspicious of it.  It was supposed to sell bread and olive oil and healthy goods, but there were seats set up in rows.  We thought they’d probably make us attend a lecture or something and decided not to bother.  

I suggested coffee or tea somewhere and F freaked me out a little because he was searching on his iPhone while he was driving.  I offered to take over for him, but he refused.  In a few minutes he drove up to a strange place and told me it was a coffee shop.  We went in and it was cool.  It was quite old fashioned, we had to take off our shoes at the door, but the service was nice and the place smelt the way great coffee does.  We both had some coffee and relaxed.  We could see the garden out of the window and it was lovely. 

We went home and relaxed for a while.  After a bit, F suggested going to a newish Chinese restaurant that we’ve gone to a couple of times.  We went there and had an okay meal.  I had some hoikoro and yaki-bifun.  I shared with F of course.  We also split an order of gyoza and he had...guess…no, go on…guess…ramen.  Did he like it?  He said it was okay, which is F for “It wasn’t very good.”

After dinner, we picked up some groceries at the store and then came home.  We had a quiet evening at home.  The TV didn’t even go on until 11 pm so I could watch The Mentalist! That’s unusual.  

So that was my day.  It wasn’t bad for a Sunday really.  Going to the new coffee shop was fun, I hope to go again and try something else next time.  

Tomorrow I’m back to my regular schedule, but I have to do a bit of a clean up if I get time.  If I don’t I should make time.  Ha ha!  Come back later and see if I get anything done.  Until tomorrow….

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