August 9, 2016

Tuesday - Rainy, sunny and muggy

Not a great day.

I got up this morning and had my breakfast and was enjoying my quiet time when the door opened and F came home.  He was having an early lunch.  He did try speaking to me a little, but I told him quite truthfully that I couldn’t speak to him yet.  I took a shower and when I came out he was gone.

In the afternoon, he made another trip home.  I don’t know why.  I can’t help wondering why he keeps coming home in the middle of the day when he knows that I don’t like it very much.  

I watched some telly and managed to avoid all of the Olympics. Yay.  I was thinking about going out in the late afternoon but never got around to it.  The weather wasn’t great, so I used that as my excuse!

When F came home later he went straight into the kitchen and made himself dinner.  Fine.  Whatever.

When he was finished in the kitchen, I had my dinner, then I did my dishes.  I sat in my corner most of the night.  I did write four postcards, did some crochet and eventually even watched a bit of TV.  F was sleeping on the couch so I told him I’d like the TV at 11 and then took it.  I was tired of the Olympics.

He went off to bed where he is sleeping, I stayed up but think I’ll have an early night.  

I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow.  I really would like to go out tomorrow as I have a few errands to run.  Thursday is a national holiday so I hope that F and I are back to usual by then.  

Come back in a bit and see how Wednesday is.  Until tomorrow….

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