October 6, 2016

Thursday - Clear and then rainy

A sad day.

I got up early again today and had breakfast and tea.  I watched The X-Files and surfed the net a little.  After a couple of my shows I got dressed, made the bed and started in on dinner.  I made up the tuna burgers mix and put them in the fridge to firm up.  I expected F to come home for lunch, but he didn’t today.

I was getting ready to do some of my usual computer stuff when I received a message from my sister. She told me that she’d just found out that a relative of ours had died last month, but we were only finding out about it today.  The relative lived in England, was older and single, but was a lovely woman.  Even though I haven’t seen her in person in years, we kept in touch and sent gifts and cards at Christmas.  

I was quite sad, and frankly, quite regretful. I have been meaning to write to her all year and just never got around to it.  Sigh.  I should have written.  

In the afternoon, I had a little cry, and then scanned my cards.  I walked them off to the post office and also walked myself off to the conbini and got myself a cafe latte for the walk home.

When I got home I got stuck on dinner.  I did a lot of dishes and then made the easy zucchini salad I’ve made before.  F got home while I was making it.  

He changed and started to relax while I got dinner ready.  Tonight we had quite a good dinner. We had tuna burgers on hot dog buns, with cabbage salad, zucchini salad,  steamed broccoli and a few green onions.  There weren’t as many leftovers as I had hoped!  Still, I was pleased.  Dinner was good, and it was remarkably stress free.

In the evening we had a quiet night.  F watched some Japanese TV and then at 10 pm I watched Bones and did a bit of crochet while he took his bath.  He went to bed when he finished and I stayed up a bit longer.  Okay, a lot longer.  

I did something a little different for me.  I did some colouring.  When I was at Costco last week, I bought myself a book of zen postcards to colour, so I started one tonight.  I haven’t finished, but I like what I’ve done so far.  It looks good.  I’m a little surprised at how popular colouring is for adults these days, but it is enjoyable too.  I might even send someone my postcard(s) if I like them!

And that’s about it for me for today.  Tomorrow I have to get out of the apartment for a bit and start getting ready for my trip on the weekend.  Come back in a bit and see what I get up to.  Until tomorrow….

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