Facebook Groups

I just wanted to let my readers know that I started a Facebook Group for Women Bloggers in Japan. If any of you are interested in joining, please do a search for the group on Facebook.

The requirements that I have are that you must
a) be female
b) live in Japan
c) blog semi-regularly

It's a closed group so I have to approve your membership.

My purpose is to help promote our blogs, and help each other find solutions to blogging problems. At the moment it's a very very small group...with a membership of Me, Myself and I.


Orchid64 said...

I would be happy to join but there's a rub. I keep my teaching life and my blogging life separate so I don't have to worry about my students looking over my shoulder and censor what I write. My students can track me on Facebook (at least one has already) so I can't link my blogs to it. :-(

Good luck with the group!

Helen said...

I suppose you could join and not promote your blog, but in any case, I understand.

I thought advertising on my blog would be a better way than spamming my friend's inboxes.

Thanks for commenting.