December 15, 2008 - Monday

Rainy and cold.

A good day today. I woke up unbelievably early for me today. I woke up at 8 am. I was really surprised. I got up, watched Japanese news for a few minutes, then went back to bed. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just decided to get up.

I had a fairly quiet day at home today. I watched the weekend's TV, then did some work for my school. I worked on getting homework for my students together. I also pulled out some of my lovely stamps for making Christmas Cards at school. Yay me. I even ate lunch at an almost lunch time! I didn't go out though. I wanted too, but the weather wasn't that good.

Fumihiko came home around 6 and we chatted for a while. We finally decided to go out for dinner around 7 pm. On the way we stopped at a hardware store near the restaurant to get more ink for my printer. We're going to start making nengajo soon, so I'll likely run out of ink. Then we went to Edoichi, aka the evil place. Fumihiko hadn't eaten all day and I was starting to get hungry. It wasn't bad tonight. It wasn't busy, so it wasn't too loud. The food was okay.

We bought some groceries after dinner, then went by my school to drop off the stamps and my clothes for tomorrow. Then we came home. We had a very quiet evening at home, and then watched ER. It was quite interesting tonight. Sam's son had been using someone else's credit card to buy himself stuff and there's some big news on the horizon for Carrie Weaver. Hmm.

That was about it for my day. I had a good one. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Wish me luck! Night.

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