January 15, 2009 - Thursday

Honestly, not a great day. The weather was cold, with gusts of wind and a bit of snow. The snow from the last couple of days froze hard, so walking wasn't fun.

I was awakened at 6am by my husband doing the snow check. Soon after he woke up I got a charlie horse in my right leg. It was extremely painful. I managed to stretch and massage it away, but it left me quite awake. We had had words before we went to bed and I was still angry. When Fumihiko tried to check how I was I wasn't too polite and then he got angry again. We had a huge fight at 6 am, and he ended up leaving for work then. He doesn't have to leave until after 7 usually, so not sure what was going on.

I tried to go back to sleep, managed a few winks, but had to get up. I was really tired and drained for most of the day. I did my laundry, which was a big relief as it had been hanging around for a while.

I left for work a bit before 5 and went straight to the school instead of stopping like I usually do. It was quite icy and I had one moment when I did a little dance trying to stay upright. I managed it too, but did look around to see if there were any witnesses that needed to be silenced!

I didn't have to shovel out my parking space at school--yay-- but did a bit of the steps and the pathway into the building. The snow had frozen solid, so I was quite happy that I had done such a thorough job on Tuesday. It meant that my actual parking space was quite clear as there was nowhere for the new snow to stick.

Lessons today went well. The children's lesson saw them use the my big vocabulary cards as squares in a game and the children were the game pieces. I think it worked better than just doing it in the book. This way they could move a bit.

My second class was also fine. I talked to the student about giving more information in her answers. I reminded her of the Five WH questions and told her that her answers should provide at least 2 or 3 of the Five WH's. I know that isn't always possible, but it gives her something to shoot for.

After classes I cleaned up and then sent Fumihiko a message. I wasn't sure what his response would be. I waited around the school and finally he called me back just before 10. I knew he'd be working late so I didn't expect him to be earlier really. He agreed to pick me up as soon as he could get into Tsuruoka.

We had a quick and cheerful dinner in Gusto, then bought a few groceries. We came home and were quiet again, but in a good way. We each had some Royal Milk Tea.

We seem to be doing better again, but it is seriously an ongoing battle to keep things on an even keel. I could write more, but it would be quite one-sided. I'm going to stop now. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! Night.


Kelly said...

Firstly, what's a charlie horse? I've never heard of it! Is that like a cramp?

Royal milk tea- by Kirin? that's my favourite! Or was it koucha kaden, my second favourite!

Sorry to hear things aren't going well between you two.

Helen said...

Hi Kelly! Yes, a Charley (I spelt it wrong) Horse is a muscle cramp. It often hits people when they're sleeping. I get them quite frequently, but haven't had one in ages. I'd stopped stretching before bed, so I'll have to start again. Stretching can help prevent it. Basically, I get a hard knot in my calf. If I massage it, or stretch it it helps, but I could still feel it when I walked to work today.

The Royal Milk Tea was from Wakado. We got it at our drugstore the other night. Not bad. They had Caramel Milk Tea which I'd also like to try.

Incidentally, I send Royal Milk tea to my best friend for her birthday and Christmas presents! She's hooked on the stuff.

We're okay. We get in these grooves when things are bad, but usually we get over them soon. I'd really like to learn how to stop it though. We don't fight over big things, just really dumb things.

Thanks for writing!