April 14, 2011

Thursday - Sunny and clear, a little cool.

A good day, although it didn’t really start that way! We were awakened by my cellphone going off at 6:45 or so this morning. I got up, checked the TV, but the earthquake wasn’t a very big one, and we never really felt it here. F stayed in bed. Harumph!

He got up a bit later when the doorbell rang. 7:30 in the morning and some idiot rings the doorbell. It was our new phone book. Bah. He said something to the effect that I should get up around 7:00 anyway, but I can’t see that happening on a permanent basis!

So, I got up when my alarm went off, after 9 am. I got up, considered going out right away and changed my mind. Instead I stayed home and spent a bit of time on my computer. F called me a bit after 10 and said he’d like to come home to change. That was fine with me, especially since he called first! I put the kettle on and made us some tea.

He left again and I did a few things around the house and showered. I had a short nap, and also a quick lunch. I went out to see if I could get my hair cut.

I was lucky and my stylist wasn’t busy. I got a great cut again. I went a smidge longer than usual and I think it really suits me. I may have to get it cut again next month before my big “do” but that’s okay.

Next up, I went to the mall to see how things were there! I hacked around a bit, didn’t buy anything at the 100 yen shop (astounding I know!) and then went downstairs and had an iced tea in the coffee shop. I read a bit of my AFWJ journal at the same time. It was a nice way to relax.

When I finished my tea, I made a brief but very rewarding trip around the grocery store. In the bargain bin I found some tea that I like and some flavoured coffee for F. I got a few sauce mixes as well. They don’t expire for a while so I’m not sure why they were in the bin, but…I got a couple of other things too and then paid for them.

I came home again and about 10 minutes later, F came home too. He’d finished work.

I got dinner underway fairly soon and it was bubbling away in the pan when F’s mother called. She could hear water leaking somewhere in the house, so would he come and check it. I gave him a taste of his upcoming dinner, then he zoomed right over. He came back just as I was about to eat so he made good time. It was a leaky tap.

Anyway, dinner was good. It was my first time cooking with just ground pork. Usually I only use the mix of pork and beef, or sometimes put some ground chicken in it. I made some kind of stew tonight! I browned the pork, added some cubed potatoes, onion, and broccoli (I forgot the mushrooms!) then added a can of mushroom soup to the mix. I cooked it until the potatoes were soft. It was good and got rave reviews!

F did the dishes and we had a quiet evening in. He was watching a lot of stuff but it didn’t seem as annoying as usual! I ran a couple of fixes on my computer. Lately the fan has been running too much and and making a dreadful noise. It’s been so bad I thought I might have to get a new computer. (And the closest Apple store is in Sendai…) Whatever I did seems to have worked. My computer has been running incredibly quietly all night. I’m so relieved.

And that’s about that for me. It was a good day basically. Yay. Night.


JY69 said...

Glad to see your computer is back again... I hate it when they suddenly get noisy, sometimes all it takes is a good cleaning though. The main compartment gathers dust like nobody's business! Hope your day is good!

Helen said...

I've been wondering if it was dusty, but I didn't think it was. I ran a couple of resets I found on the internet and it seems to have helped.

Thanks for your comment!

Hope you have a good day too!

Sherry said...

Man, those cell phone earthquake warnings are going to be the death of me. Hope it all settles down soon. We are low on yogurt around here and my Diet Coke crisis continues, but if you need anything let me know and I will try to find it.

Helen said...

I can't find yogurt either...they have some in the store but it has sugar in it. I like the plain stuff!

Is there a diet coke crisis? I gave up all bubbly drinks a while ago, so I haven't noticed! Really, we're fine up here...thanks!