April 15, 2011

Friday - Sunny and warm

Today was a good day. I woke up only when my regular alarm on my cell phone went off. I know there were earthquakes, but the best part is I didn’t feel them!

I got up and had a quiet day around the house for the most part. I watched The Hangover. I taped it last week and just decided that if F wanted to see it, he’d have to rent it himself. It was very funny! I thought it would be a really dumb comedy, but it wasn’t that bad. The characters weren’t the usual dumb college age kids that are in many movies these days, so it was refreshing honestly.

In the afternoon I took myself off to the post office and made a payment for some books that I’m buying from someone in Tokyo, then came home and had lunch.

F came home a couple of hours later and then he realised that he was supposed to go to the post office for his work. He left home again, and finished up before coming home.

At home we talked about going out for dinner and decided to go out to Aki, the okonomiyaki place. We went and had a really good dinner. Their gyoza are home-made and excellent.

We stopped by my school for a couple of minutes to set up the heater for tomorrow, then came home again.

F spent part of the evening typing a letter out for my school and then helped me measure straps for a slip for me. Yay. We watched Glee and then Desperate Housewives.

Oh, just before F came home from the post office I got a delivery. The ladies at AFWJ sent me a care package. It was very nice. I got some tea, candy and some bath goodies. I was very touched to receive it to be honest.

We are now on episode two of Twin Peaks. I have two classes tomorrow at bookends of my work day. I do have some plans for my “free time” so it’ll be nice to have time to do some of them!

Come back tomorrow night and see if I manage to do some of the things I want to do! Night.

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