January 15, 2012

Sunday - Cold, with a bit of snow.

A nice day.

I got up before noon this morning, just after F left to visit his mother. While he was gone I did all my morning computer stuff and then when he came back, we decided to go out. At first I suggested a restaurant behind the mall, but took it back when I realised I’d have to take off my boots. It’s too hard to put them back on.

We drove out to Mikawa and had lunch in the mall. I had salmon on rice and F had tempura on rice. It was fine. After that, we did a bit of shopping. I got more socks, then we found a potato masher and a rolling pin. I didn’t get the rolling pin as it was just a narrow wooden pole. I’ll have to look for the one I want. We had one at home in Canada that was plastic and you could fill with water to chill pastry. We had a drink at Seattle’s Best and F took our stuff out to the car and moved the car closer.

At 5 o’clock we went to see Fright Night. It was a remake of the old movie and I liked it. I loved David Tennant, but thought the film needed more of him. Also, Colin Farrell didn’t really show how compelling the vampire could be. There was a surprise cameo from the first movie though that I was very pleased about. I think I was the only person in the theatre that knew who it was!

We couldn’t really agree on a place for dinner until F suggested going to Bistrot des Pointes. We went there and had a fabulous meal. We haven’t been there in ages and I feel bad about it.

We came home after dinner and watched a bit of TV. I watched American Sweethearts, which was still as bad as when I first saw it, then F watched some weird stuff. That’s really about it for the day.

Tomorrow I’m not sure what is going to happen. F is off work so I may get dragged around the country or maybe I’ll just stay in bed and pull the covers over my head! Got to go. Night!

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