January 26, 2012

Thursday - Cold, windy and a bit snowy.

A good day.

I got up early for me, right around 9 am and showered fairly quickly after that. I had a busy morning. I had to do my internet stuff fast and then I made my brunch. I left the apartment before 12 to walk to school.

I made reasonably good time and I got to my school. I had to do a bit of snow shovelling, but it wasn’t that bad to be honest. The snow wasn’t packed down, and it was dry and light.

My class went quite well today. The student still seems a little nervous, but really she’s doing nicely.

After her class I did more planning, I read the paper and did paperwork. I was getting bored after a couple of hours, but F called me to say he was home. I asked him to come and pick me up.

We had dinner tonight at Kintaro Sushi. It was fairly quiet there, so we had a nice meal. Afterwards we came home.

We each watched a bit of TV. F went to bed fairly early tonight. He’s not doing well with all of the snow shovelling he has to do at work.

I did a couple of rows of my afghan again. It’s looking quite good. The colours do go well together and even though one of the colours is a pink, the fact that it is matched with two browns makes it not girly at all. I’ve only done twelve rows, so it’s not very big yet, but it is getting bigger all the time. Yay.

That was my day more or less. Tomorrow I’m not sure what I’ll get up to. I have a few things that I could do, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do them or not! Talk to you later. Night!

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