January 27, 2012

Friday - Cold and snowy.

An okay day. I slept in a bit this morning. I'd like to blame F for that, but he didn’t make me! He closed the bedroom door this morning when he went to work, so I couldn’t see the clock easily. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

I got up, had a quiet morning around the apartment. I watched a bit of TV, including the news, made myself some nice chicken salad for lunch, did the dishes and even read the paper today.

Around 4 I went outside and shovelled the snow from F’s parking space. It was very cold out and the snow was very light. It didn’t take too long, happily.

After F came home he napped for a bit and then we went out. We went to get gas for the car, then to my school to preheat the heater for tomorrow. After that, we went to Aki for dinner. We had different meals than usual tonight. We shared an order of pork skewers, and then I had a “tonpeh” and F had an okonomiyaki. The tonpeh was kind of like an okonomiyaki, but it had raw cabbage and a raw egg in it. It was good, I just wasn’t expecting the raw stuff! I think I would have preferred a bit of cooking for the cabbage especially, but it was good. The ones with the noodles are a bit too heavy, and I’m off soba noodles anyway. F won’t order the kind I like, so I’d rather have none at all!

We came home and I watched The Walking Dead. I quite like the show, but think it’s a little gruesome. Tonight was violent as well. Interesting though.

I watched The Good Wife tonight and did my crochet through it. I did another couple of rows. Yay! It still won’t be done anytime soon, but I’m really glad if I can get a couple of rows done per night.

That’s about it for tonight. Tomorrow I have a couple of classes and then I’m done for the week. I think F will try and relax for a bit, and maybe even get a massage. He’s not doing well lately.

That’s it for me. Got to go. Night.

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