A good day.
I went to bed before F last night. It doesn’t happen often, but he was watching a movie in Japanese and I was exhausted, so I wished him good night and went to bed. I think I was still awake when he came to bed, but only just.
This morning I woke up first around 10 and F was still in bed. That never happens! I was very surprised. Next time I woke up it was quite late and he wasn’t in bed anymore. I woke up because I was in the middle of a dream and it was odd. I had just met Heidi Klum and wanted to compare divorce stories with her. She wouldn’t. I was also trying not to tell people how a certain episode of ER finished, I wanted them to find out for themselves. It was strange.
After a short time of checking my computer groups, we went out for lunch. F had suggested one place, but after we went outside and he dug the car out from under the snow, suggested another. We went to Grado and had a lovely meal. We both had the same dish, rainbow trout in a gratin sauce. It was comfort food for winter.
After lunch, we went to the train station and bought train tickets for me. I’m going to go to Niigata next month to attend an Oxford presentation. It also gives me a chance to meet up with a friend, so I have two reasons to go.
We went driving a little after going to the station. We ended up in a store that sells a bunch of stuff that you don’t really need. In Canadian terms, it would be like San Francisco. It was fun, but we didn’t buy anything. After that, we went home!
I was on my computer for a while and then went to have a nap. I slept or dozed for a while. We finally went out a bit after 8 pm.
F wanted to go to an izakaya by the station, so we tried. Unfortunately it was too busy, so we went to another place close by. We had quite a good meal there. We had sashimi, yakitori, tofu, salad, and a few bits and pieces of other things. Yum.
We hit up the grocery store on the way home and got some essentials for the next couple of days, then came home. F watched a movie for a bit (okay, me too) and then ran off back to the izakaya to get his notebook which he’d left behind. Silly guy.
Anyway, we’re both chilling out now. He should have gone to bed ages ago, but if I prod him now he’ll get angry and we don’t want that!
Tomorrow I don’t have any plans, but I’m thinking about going over to my school to shovel a bit of snow…don’t want to though. I’ll have to do a lot on Tuesday if I don’t and then teach afterwards. Bleck.
Oh, I’m posting a few pictures for today. So far, we don’t seem to have the same amount of snow that we did last year, but we still have a lot. We got quite a lot last night. It made everything look clean and sparkling, but F had to dig out the car today. Night!
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