Wednesday - Snowy
A good day.
I got up a few minutes early this morning. I filled up the kerosene tank in our heater and then went on line to check out the world.
I ended up on the couch for some computer and then reading time. After my shows I tried to go back to my computer but I fell asleep! Oh no!
F called to say he was bringing a bento home and then I got dressed. I got dressed and said hello to him as he came in. I was actually a bit busy today as I did some laundry and had to hang that up.
In the afternoon I struggled to stay awake, but after a while I hit my stride. I watched some TV and then after 4 pm I went out to the lobby of our apartment building and did a little sweeping. When I came back in our apartment I vacuumed for a few minutes. Yay me. After that, I did the dishes from lunch and then took a break. F called to say he was coming home, except he didn’t really. Not for a while anyway.
F was really tired when he came home, but it was his night to cook. I suggested he rest for a bit, and he did. He went into the kitchen and prepared the nabe.
It was quite good, except for my usual complaints! It wasn’t hot enough (he’d turned off the nabe when it was done so it cooled off) and the broth was pretty tasteless. Still, I wasn’t feeling in a fussy mood tonight, so I liked it.
After dinner, I did the dishes and tidied up the kitchen and did up the garbage for F to take out in the morning. I watched a bit of TV too. At 11 I joined F on the couch for a bit of crochet. F wasn’t doing crochet, just me! I’m back on one of my earlier projects. It’s going well. I’ve made a few decisions with it, so I’m quite happy about it.
And really, that’s about all I have for you today. Tomorrow I’m not sure what I’ll get up to. I hope more laundry and I hope more reading and crochet. Come back and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….
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