Wednesday - Cool but mostly clear
A good day.
I woke up this morning the first time when I heard a little beep from the kitchen. My timer’s battery has run out of juice and it was making a protest. F asked me what was beeping and I told him. It seemed to stop, so I went back to sleep, F went off to work. I woke up later to a prolonged beeping attack…the timer went off again. I got up, took the battery out completely and then crashed on the couch. I woke up properly after 10. Oh dear. I missed my reading time today.
I watched my show, had breakfast and was thinking about my shower when F called to say he was coming home to eat. He did, it was fine. He basically did an eat and run.
In the afternoon I never really got motivated to do anything. I tried, but failed. I finally had lunch….which was cleaning out the fridge of a lot of leftovers. They weren’t bad though!
F was a bit late tonight but seemed in good spirits when he came. He changed and we talked about where to go for dinner. We decided to go to a local Japanese restaurant and it was a good choice. He was able to have ramen and I didn’t have to! I had pork piccata and it was nice, except for the generous amount of ketchup on it. I don’t do ketchup except on fries!
We bought a few groceries after dinner and then came home. I went over to the couch for a while and put some finishing touches on my little project. I think it looks rather nice. We watched some TV and I enjoyed it.
After midnight, F gave me a small present. He got me some room socks. It’s actually perfect because I really only wanted something small. Room socks will help keep my feet warm, they get quite cold this time of year.
That’s about it for me. I had a good day today. Yay! Tomorrow I’m having lunch with a friend and then I’m going to cook our dinner. F is going to take me out on Friday night to celebrate. It’s a little easier going on Friday as he doesn’t have to work the next day. Come back tomorrow and I’ll fill you in. Until tomorrow….
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