September 7, 2017

Thursday - Rainy and cool

An okay day.

I woke up before 7 this morning, but I don’t think F was to blame for a change!  I went downstairs, used the loo and came back and went back to sleep.  I woke up again in time to wish F a good day and snoozed on a bit longer.  I got up and watched the news on NHK.  I followed that with Pretty Little Liars…but went downstairs on that one. 

I prepared breakfast for K and me, same as usual.  We ate and it was nice and friendly.  After I did the dishes I came back upstairs where I spent the next little while.  I watched some TV from the DVR and drank some tea and coffee.  

I went downstairs a little early and K surprised me by saying she’d like some lunch.  It was fine, but I hadn’t really prepared for her to join me.  I ended up making 3 open faced sandwiches for us.  We had pepper pork, katsuo salad, and cheese, with salad on the side.  I cut the slices of bread into 4 pieces each and gave both of us a quarter piece of each sandwich and some salad.  Then, we could choose to have more of any of the toppings if we wanted to.  I don’t want K to feel like she has to eat if she doesn’t want to.

Anyway, lunch was good.  I did the dishes afterwards then cut up a nashi for us.  I brought mine upstairs again and watched some of Twin Peaks and tried to make sense of it all.  Snort.

I had a quiet afternoon. I drank too much tea and coffee and watched a lot of TV. I did work and listen to my playlist too.  I still haven’t tried to burn it to disk though. I watched the news at 4 and after a little bit of computer stuff, darned in a few ends of my poncho.

F came back to the house a bit before 6 pm and we chatted for a bit until he was more relaxed.  We talked about going out vs staying in and I suggested going out tonight and then buying food for tomorrow night.  He was okay with that.  

We invited K to come with us, so we all took off and went to MokuMoku.  We were the only customers, but it was okay.  We each had quite different meals. I had the pasta set, F had the Curry plate and K had a hamburg set with rice and drink bar.  We spent a bit of time there and enjoyed ourselves I think.

We came back to the house to drop off K and then went for a little wifi.  We went to McDonald's and had a drink while we used our phones.  It was good.  We did some grocery shopping and F bought ingredients for making an imoni nabe on Friday.  I hope he’ll be okay making it since I have no idea how!

We came back to the house and put away the groceries.  We came upstairs and since there wasn’t anything on that I wanted to watch, I put on an episode of Twin Peaks.  F watched it too, which surprised me. He’d said he didn’t want to, but he got sucked in again :-)  I did finish the darning on my poncho too.  I basted one side together and then tried it on. It looks so cool. It’s very colourful. I’ll stick out even more than normal if I wear it!

And that’s about it for today.  F went to bed early and is sleeping. He’s having a rough time lately.

Tomorrow I hope to pack my suitcase a bit more, then work on my poncho.  I’m not sure if we’ll go out after dinner or not. I hope we do as I’d like to use wifi, but it is hard to know how F will be.  Anyway, come back later if you’d like and see how my Friday goes. Until tomorrow….

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