Friday - Cool and clear
A good day.
I got up this morning at my time watched the news, no biggie. I saw K in the morning, but when I went down for breakfast she was nowhere to be seen. I brought up my breakfast and started a load of laundry too.
I spent a bit of time working on my knitting loom today. I’ve finished the first two balls of yarn. Yay me.
I went down for lunch. K was back or up, not sure which, but she refused my offer of lunch. I made myself a sandwich and then came back upstairs. I had lunch and it was great.
In the afternoon I watched Twin Peaks, the end of the new one. It was weird. I think I will rewatch it. Someday.
I also did a couple of Postcrossing cards. I haven’t done any in ages, sad to say. I haven’t written up my Postcard blog either.
F came back around 5:30 tonight. We went out to get K some dinner and to mail a couple of postcards. We posted the cards on the way to our dinner.
F and I went to Kintaro Sushi tonight and had a yummy meal. It is sad to say that their sushi is the best of all the keiten sushi places in town but is one of the quietest nowadays. I like going to the other places, but the sushi isn’t as good.
We came back to the house for a while. F had made himself an appointment for a massage, so he took a shower and then left. I watched Castle and then took my shower.
F came back after 11 and we have been watching Angelina Jolie films since then. First up was Salt and now it is Wanted. I think I’m going to go to bed soon though as I’m quite tired.
That’s it for me. Talk to you later no doubt. Until tomorrow….
How do you like working with knitting loom? I kind of think of getting one but I am not sure if I would like it. Any thoughts on advantages and disadvantages over regular knitting needles? :)
Hi, Marta and thanks for commenting.
I am still really too new at this loom thing to comment. I need to look at YouTube videos to see what my next step is.. I thought I would be able to work a little faster on the loom than I actually can. Maybe if I was using chunky yarn I would be able to? I am enjoying using this system, but at the moment it is going very slowly. Ask me again in a few weeks or after I finish something.
That was my hope- that you can work faster using a loom... But probably one just needs to learn and get skilled at it first! Yes, watching some videos would be a good idea. Thanks! :)
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