Wednesday - Sunny and warmer, rainy at night
I didn’t sleep very well last night. I finally got to bed around 3 and couldn’t fall asleep. My jaw was hurting a bit and my brain wouldn’t turn off. I did fall asleep eventually as I woke up around 5 and had to make a trip downstairs. Of course, I ended up oversleeping a bit later on, but no matter really.
I got up, did my usual morning tea and breakfast thing. I had oatmeal again for breakfast and it was nice. I put a teaspoon of my rhubarb compote in it which gave it a little bit of a difference.
Today was a quiet day, but K was up early and stayed up. She made quite a bit of noise downstairs. When I went down for my lunch I shared the leftovers from Monday, the Gapao rice with her. Well, she had rice, I had mine on toast!
Around 5:30 I went downstairs and got dinner underway. I made a stew and it turned out well. I wanted it to be fast so I used two pans today and that was a good idea. I browned the meat in my fry pan and put the veggies in my stew pan. F called me while I was making it, so I knew he was on the way. He asked if he should bring something since he was going to the store area anyway. I asked for something with crunch.
When F arrived I was more than halfway through the process of making the stew. I sent him off to change and when he came back, got him to do the rice. I had most things set up and he helped take things to the table. That was really helpful. It all came together and we had stew on rice with pickles on the side. F had brought two types of pickles and as we were eating one type he said that maybe I was supposed to rinse off the mustard sauce. I had no idea and he hadn’t mentioned it, so no worries. It was quite spicy though!
We all seemed to enjoy dinner. Afterwards, F washed the dishes and I dried them and put them away. I also put the leftovers away for tomorrow’s dinner. When F rinsed off my stew pan, he dropped it back into the bowl of soapy water. The kitchen got a bath! I narrowly missed getting soaked. We spent a couple of minutes trying to clean it up. I think we managed.
F was feeling not great again, so I reminded him that the onsen is closed tomorrow, but open tonight. He thought it was a good idea to go and he said he’d ask his mother. Then he asked if I wanted to go. I did, but not to take a bath.
We piled in the car and drove out to the onsen. K and F headed into the baths, I headed to the seats. I listened to a podcast and did a little crochet before they came out to join me. We drove K back to the house and got her settled in. I checked the fridge and the kitchen for things I needed and then we went out to the grocery store.
I picked up a couple of things for tomorrow night’s dinner and we picked up a few other things for us and the house. We paid and left. As we were leaving the grocery store parking lot, F asked if I wanted to go somewhere, but I had to remind him that most places would have called last order already. He doesn’t seem to understand that if he wants to go somewhere we have to go there before we go for groceries. No worries.
Back at the house, we put away the groceries. F went upstairs, I stayed downstairs and took care of the kitchen garbage. I tossed the sponges tonight for good measure. We bought cheap ones at the hundred yen shop last time but they were too cheap. They fall apart much too quickly.
After that, I came upstairs and watched a bit of TV and tried to relax. F tried to relax too. He didn’t sleep that well last night either. I probably woke him up without meaning to. Oh dear.
And that’s it for me, mostly. I did change the commenting today. I think you need to have a Google account to comment now.
Come back later if you like and see what Thursday brings. Until tomorrow….
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