February 23, 2020

Sunday - Rainy and cold

F and I slept in a bit this morning. I was out of bed before him, however. It’s not a competition I know, I do think it is funny when it happens.

We talked about where to go for lunch but then I suggested that maybe we should just eat here. We still had bread, chicken and leftovers, so why not?  F liked that idea, so I went downstairs and got lunch started. We ended up having mushroom soup, roast chicken, the last of the stew/pasta bake, bread and cheese toast.  Most of the food vanished. It was good for clearing out leftovers from the fridge too. Yay us. 

After lunch and the dishes, I asked F to take me to S-Mall. I’ve been having problems with charging my phone. It has a loose connection when I charge it and it makes quite a noise as it connects and disconnects. We took it over to the iPhone Doctor and the guy grabbed a pair of tweezers and took out a pile of gunk from the inside of the connection port. It was embarrassing how much stuff was in there. Anyway, it works just fine now and he didn’t charge me for it. I was prepared to pay, after all, he did us a service.  

After that, we left the mall to go to a movie. We arrived at Machikine and discovered that I’d got the time of the movie wrong. It didn’t start for 40 minutes. F wanted a coffee, so we tried Starbucks, but it was too busy to park, and ended up back at the mall again and went to Doutors. We had a quick but nice cup of coffee or glass of decaf latte and then left again for the theatre. 

We went to see Brightburn and I have to say it was bad. Really bad. The idea was great, but the execution wasn’t there. I also found that the boy in the story was so annoying that it didn’t help the conflict. So, a big thumbs down for that one.

After the movie, we bought a bento for K from the store and delivered it. While she ate, we sat with her in the living room. F had wanted to have a massage tonight, but when he checked the website of the place, he didn’t know the people working and decided not to go for it. 

We went out for our dinner. We’d bought K sushi and while she was eating there was a show on TV about making sushi, so we naturally decided on sushi.  We went to our usual Kintaro sushi. It was busy, but not too busy and we got in after a few minutes. Dinner was good, we both had some nice things to eat. We like a lot of the same things, so that makes it easy for us. 

After sushi, we hit up a drugstore for a few essentials and then came back to the house. I had asked F to watch a video with me off the DVR and he’d chosen Aquaman.  I had seen it in Canada, but since he likes Nicole Kidman, thought he might like it too. We watched it, it was silly and fun. 

I did some crochet during the movie but ran out of yarn. I’m going to have to cut up some of the balls of yarn that I am trying to use up.  I think it is okay as I would never start a new project with these balls of yarn.  There’s nothing wrong with them, I just prefer to have all the same dye lot when I start a project. These are remnants of old projects.

And that was my day. After the movie, I took a shower and F went to bed with his computer. I got a bit of indigestion this evening, maybe the sushi isn’t sitting that well? 

Tomorrow F is off work due to the national holiday. He’s taking the car in to do the shaken (Roadworthy test) and might take his mother to the onsen in the morning. Come back later if you like and see what happens. Until tomorrow….

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