January 30, 2021

Saturday - Cold and a little snowy

We both slept in this morning, I’m glad that I got to because I didn’t go to bed until quite late. I’m up late tonight too. Oh well, it’s Saturday night. 

When I got up this morning I got dressed and F started to talk about going out for lunch. We discussed a few places and finally decided on Tai, the ramen/curry place. F warmed up the car and then the two of us did a little snow shovelling snow. We didn’t get much overnight, but we did get a bit. The three of us, we drove over to the restaurant and had a nice meal. I ordered the “L-Roast katsu curry”. I had no idea what the “L” stood for, I thought it was an ingredient! When it arrived I said to F, “Wow that’s big!” He said, “The L is for large!” Not my finest hour! It was good though!

We drove back to the house and F saw K inside. We took off again and went to S-Mall. We went to the bus centre and got my ticket for next week. After that, we went to Doutors and stayed there for a while. We had our drink and then F was into his YouTube and I had a text chat with a friend, so I didn’t want to leave for a bit!

After a while we went to the hundred yen shop and then left the mall. We went to the grocery store and F bought a few things for K and I bought stuff for myself for my trip. Just snack foods for the bus in case I get delayed or have to miss lunch or something. 

After that, we did a quick stop by the drugstore and then went back to the house. We unpacked the car and put the stuff away. After that, the two of us went out for dinner. 

We went to Sashimiya tonight for dinner. Recently when we’ve tried to go there it has been really busy, but tonight it wasn’t. We got in and had a nice meal. F had fish, I had chicken and we shared an avocado-shrimp-tuna salad and it was lovely.

After the meal we came back to the house and relaxed. I took a shower and then watched Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, a movie about Ted Bundy. It was okay. The performances were good but the screenplay was lacking something.

And that was my day. I turned off the TV afterwards and did a few things on the net.

I’m not sure exactly what will happen tomorrow. F has a massage booked for himself, maybe we’ll take K out for lunch and maybe we won’t. We want to keep her as safe as possible, but think she may want to go out for a change of scenery.

Come back later and hear all about what we get up to. Until tomorrow….

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