May 8, 2021

Saturday - Sunny and warm

The day didn’t start that well. I stayed in bed quite late, but so did F. He wasn’t feeling well, but got up and made lunch for his mother and himself. He came upstairs with a small bowl full of pearl onions and wanted me to have some. I hadn’t eaten anything yet and I just didn’t want onions to be the first thing I ate today. He got a bit mad when I wouldn’t have any.

After he finished downstairs, he came back up and threw himself into bed. I asked if we were going to go out but the answer was that we weren’t because he felt too bad. I went downstairs and grabbed last night’s leftovers for my lunch. I heated them up and took them upstairs to eat. 

I asked F if he’d like to go to a movie in the evening. Nomadland is playing at the local cinema and since it won Best Picture and Best Actress at the Academy Awards, I really want to see it. I asked him if he’d go with me tonight and he said that he would drive me to the cinema and wait outside for me. What? I said it was fine but it made me rather sad. 

F slept for a bit this afternoon, which was good if he was as sick as he felt. I got into bed after a while and tried to take a nap too, but didn’t really manage.

Around 4:30 I woke F up and asked if he still wanted to go to the mall. He said no, but I reminded him he promised to take me. He said he would, but I asked if he’d rather wait until tomorrow afternoon. He wasn’t too committal about it so I made sure to tell him that I’d go and see it by myself later in the week if he didn’t go tomorrow!

We decided to get in bentos for dinner and he ordered them online. I got a Taiwanese pork dish that turned out to be only okay in the bento version. I assume the authentic one would taste better. F ordered a hamburger for his mother and kara-age for himself. They seemed to like their meals.  I brought out some of the bread pudding afterwards and three ice creams because I thought I heard F say that he didn’t want to share the ice cream. He was throwing a tantrum that there was too much ice cream so I just casually asked him to divvy up one of the small tubs and put the two extras back in the freezer. It’s so not a big deal, don’t know why it was to him. 

After dinner, I of course got to do the dishes. I listened to some news and then to the last chapter of Persuasion. Oh no, it’s over. I don’t know what to listen to next. 

I came upstairs and got stuck into my computer stuff. I was having a decent time when F announced that he was going out for something. He finally asked if I’d like to go to and the answer was yes! We went out to the grocery store and walked around. F bought a lot of stuff and then asked me what I wanted. Chocolate. That’s it! We went to the chocolate aisle and I picked up a box of chocolate almonds. F picked up one too. I’m not sure why! Oh well.

After we came back I relaxed and then took a shower. F took a shower too and we had a few chips later on. 

He seemed in a slightly better mood in the evening. He’s still in a lot of pain body-wise, but seems to be sleeping now. 

So, I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I’m hoping that we’ll go to the movie, but with F not feeling that well, who knows. 

Come back later if you like and read all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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