Cold and Snowy
I slept in quite late this morning and it was nice. I got up late though and waited to see what was going on today. Apparently nothing. Since F and his mother had eaten already I decided to have some breakfast. It was good. However, it was a tad small.
I went out and did some snow shovelling. The snowplough had been down the street and had blocked the entrance to the yard. I cleared it and did a bit more snow removal too.
We went out around 5 to pick up some food and go to the drugstore as well. We got bentos and also I picked up a bit of extra food as I was still hungry last night after my bento. We came back to the house and then I got everything heated up. Yup, F held down the floor so it didn’t fly away.
When K came out of her room she decided not to eat, so just sat there and had some of the mugi-cha that was on offer. She scarpered back to bed soon enough. F was gracious enough to allow me to wash any dishes and do the clean-up.
I was going to go upstairs to rest when F said that he needed to go out again and get something. Did I want to come along? Well, yes, actually! We went to the new drugstore down the road and picked up a few things. We got his mum some instant noodle things, me some pasta in a cup for quick snacks and him a few things as well.
We came back to the house then. I watched The Personal History of David Copperfield with Dev Patel as David. It was good, but holy hand grenade Batman did it move fast. I liked it but felt it was too much for two hours.
And that’s about it really. Can’t really say too much at the moment so you just get the bare bones. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…
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