January 25, 2023

Wednesday - Cold, windy and horrible. Really cold!

It was cold when I went to bed last night but I was quite warm in bed, so that was good. I woke up this morning when F left the room. I got up and went downstairs. I was worried that he’d need me to shovel snow or something, but he didn’t need help. 

I said goodbye and went back to bed for about an hour. When I got up again, I got dressed, watched the tail end of the news and napped for a bit. F phoned me and said he was on his way back to the house. I told him I was still in bed, but did get up then. 

He came to the house and I made him a hot drink and I did my usual stuff. He had quite a big break while he was waiting for the people he was driving. He left around 11:30. I had a quiet time at the house for a bit, I got started on making a couple of pompoms for my scarf. I did that and then sewed one onto each end. It did take a while, but I got it done finally. My scarf is finished! Woot.

The See-Saw Scarf with added pompoms!

I went outside to shovel some snow around 1:30 or so. It was quite cold outside and there was a lot of snow, but not as much as I had thought. I came back inside a bit after 2 and after changing back into my regular clothes, made myself lunch.

I watched the last episode of Bake-off, the one where Nadiya won. Yay. It was a good episode. I had to stop it so I could watch the news.

F called at his usual time to say that he was on his way back, but that the visibility was very bad. He was a bit late. I went downstairs at 5 pm to see if I needed to shovel again, but I decided that I didn’t need to! 

Now, I haven’t told you about the exciting things that also happened today. Our water in the bathroom has frozen. There is a stalactite hanging from the tap. Luckily, the toilet is still working and we have cold running water in the kitchen. 

I had to make dinner tonight but I decided to go a tad simpler than I had originally planned. Because there was no warm water, I didn’t want to do things where I had to wash veggies.  I baked some chicken, fried some hash browns and put out a few other things. I also made some instant soup and a hot drink because it was so cold today. F came back in the middle of me cooking and we chatted a bit before he went upstairs. 

I warmed up the living room a bit, got K up and set the table. Unfortunately, when I put F’s soup near his plate, I ended up spilling it all over. Oh no! There was such a mess. I cleaned up his plate and gave him my soup bowl before I made myself some more. Luckily, there was one more packet of soup!

After dinner I did the dishes. I had to heat up some water in the kettle so that I could have warm/hot water for washing. So much fun! 

I came upstairs afterwards and watched a bit of TV. I recorded The Walking Dead tonight, I couldn’t watch it at night. Last week’s episode was so sad that even thinking about it made me sad, so I watched some comedies on the Fire Stick.

And that’s about it for my day. So, we have cold running water, but no hot because our hot water heater doesn’t like cold weather. Our bathroom tap has frozen and I finished my scarf. An interesting day!

Until tomorrow….

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