January 26, 2023

Thursday - Windy, snowy and cold (but warmer than yesterday)

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. F had got up this morning and left without waking me. Hurray for that. I got up, went downstairs, and then came back upstairs. I went back down again as I discovered that the tank in the heater was empty. Oh dear. 

I went back upstairs, turned on the heater, got dressed and yep, you guessed it, got back into bed! I watched the news and then snoozed a bit. I went downstairs a bit later to grab breakfast. I thought I’d check the snow situation outside and went to the door. I discovered that someone had left the door open. It wasn’t completely closed, let alone locked! Yikes. There was snow out there that should be shifted, but not an emergency yet.

I went back upstairs, ate breakfast and watched a little YouTube. I did a thing where I sorted out some of my yarn. I have a lot of acrylic yarn and I’m planning a scrap project, so I needed to round it up and then sort it. I got that done, so that was good. I also brought up the load of laundry that F had left in the washing machine since Tuesday. Even though he had dried it in the machine, it was stiff and crunchy from being damp and very cold. I hung it up because I’m a supremely nice person! I found 200 yen in the washing machine which I confiscated as payment. Okay, not so nice then.

Around 1:30 I got dressed for going snow shovelling and went outside. Sometime in the last couple of hours the snowplough had gone by, so the wall it left behind needed to be cleared. I started by the house, cleared off the steps and then the area in front of the garage. I got the snow dump out and cleared the area where F parks his car. It took a few minutes, but the snow was light and it went well. I started on the wall and got it moved too. Happily, the snow hadn’t re-frozen so it was still easy to move. I got the area in front of our parking area cleared. I did a once over of the steps again as more snow had fallen, and even used some of F’s chemical snow clearer stuff.  

I went into the house and a few minutes later came down to the kitchen to make my lunch. I was making my lunch and enjoying myself when I heard the sound of the heater going on in the living room. K was up. Now, she was looking for her lunch, which was fine. I had put a plate in there a couple of days ago and she hadn’t eaten it, so there was something for her. She wanted to heat it up right away, even though I was still using the kitchen. The kitchen is small but she’s very pushy. Then, she was too impatient to let the food heat up properly so she would keep stopping the micr owave and taking it out! Finally, she left and a couple of minutes later so did I. 

I had heated up some of the leftover taco mix from Monday for myself and had that on two tortillas. Yum. Today I was supposed to watch last night’s The Walking Dead, but I just couldn’t do it yet. I decided to pivot and watched the season 3 starter episode of The Great British Sewing Bee. Hurray. It was much happier I think than TWD.

I watched the news and then went downstairs a little later and went outside to check the snow situation. The steps were clear, so F’s chemical stuff worked. Woot. I cleared a very small area of snow and called it a day. We hadn’t had a lot of snow during the last couple of hours.

I went back inside and started on dinner and cleaning things up. I heated up some water so that I could do the dishes and then did them. I also got started on dinner prep. I was planning to sauté some eggplant and they can take a long time, so even though F wasn’t back yet, I decided to get started on that.

I prepared the eggplant and got it cooking away. I washed up a bit and got started on other things. F called to say that he was stuck in a traffic jam, but did make it back a bit before 7 pm. I told him dinner would be soon. I roused K, I had been heating up the living room for 20 minutes first and was gradually getting the table set. Tonight’s dinner, when it finally hit the table was pretty good. We had miso soup, sautéed pork, salad, eggplant and mushroom stir-fry and K contributed some Japanese pickles. The meal went over well. I gave us a light dessert too, I opened a can of mikans in a light syrup so we had that. 

During dinner I told F that I’d really start to need a shower soon. He offered to take me to the onsen tonight, but I told him that I wouldn’t be done in time to go. I was right.

I listened to a couple of podcasts while I did the dishes. It seemed to take longer than usual because of not having hot water. The cold-rinsed plates took more effort to dry and the kettle took a bit of time to heat up. Still things got done. It was about 9:15 when I told F I was done.

We couldn’t go to the onsen, but we could go to a grocery store, so that’s what we did. I needed a few things for tomorrow’s meal and grabbed them at the store. F stayed in the car and I went in. I think I did fairly well. I’m going to use up some of the leftovers by making pizzas for dinner tomorrow, along with some of the avocado if its okay and some salad. When I checked out I used the self-check out and it couldn’t feel the weight of one of the things I bought. I got a spice packet for the avocado-tofu salad I’m planning to make. I tried throwing it into the grocery bag, but it couldn’t “feel” it. I had to tell the machine that I wasn’t using a bag for it!

We came back to the house, I put away the groceries and went upstairs to start the heater and my water pot. 

We had a fairly quiet evening. I watched New Amsterdam and then turned off the TV. And…then I blogged and did phone stuff and drank some rooibos and now you are up to date.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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