February 12, 2023

Sunday - Warmer and rainy

I went to bed terribly late last night and didn’t set an alarm for myself this morning. F slept in too so we both stayed in bed quite late. I finally got up around 1 pm, but F was still in bed for a little longer. 

We went out around 3 pm to have lunch. We decided to go for sushi and went to Kula Sushi for a change. It wasn’t great, but it was okay. F ordered so much food. I got to the point where I just said that I couldn’t eat anymore and I didn’t.

After lunch, we picked up some groceries…I picked them up, and F waited in the car. The shop didn’t have that much for breakfasts for K and F, so I asked F if we could go elsewhere to get stuff. We then picked up some kerosene and brought it back to the house. I put away the groceries and discovered that someone had finished the milk and hadn’t told me. Ack! I don’t drink the stuff, how would I know?

We went out again a few minutes later to another grocery shop. I was able to find the stuff I needed, plus milk and the yogurt for me that I had forgotten to buy. Oops! I came back out to the car with the second lot of groceries and we came back to the house. 

F gave his mother the food I had bought for her. She got nice sushi and a sweet potato side dish that looked good. F and I relaxed a bit upstairs for a while. Our late lunch left us quite full for a long time. 

I wasn’t really hungry around 8pm when we talked about going out, but eating much later isn’t good for us and there aren’t many places to eat then anyway, so off we went. I had suggested Gusto and F went along with my idea.

We had a fairly decent dinner at Gusto. We each got a type of nabe, F’s was fish based, mine was beef and ginger and tofu. We swapped a bit to try the other person's. I think I actually liked F’s more than mine, but his had udon in it and I didn’t want noodles tonight. 

We came back to the house after we finished. F got a bit ready for work tomorrow, I did a little crochet and also watched some YouTube on my computer. My blanket is growing! I’m in love with it.

I love the wacky colours and how they blend. 

That’s about it for us. Tomorrow I’m back to the old grind of trying to get dinner on the table at a reasonable time and also I need to start working on my next column. I’ve only got a couple of weeks left to get it ready. Yikes. I hope I can do it. 

That’s about it for me for tonight. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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