July 7, 2023

 Friday - Hot and sunny - Tanabata!

Today was a big odd day, but no big deal.

I went to bed a bit late last night and slept well. I woke up with my alarm this morning and turned on the TV. I went downstairs and then came back up and watched the news. I watched it and went back for my nap when it was over. 

I got up later and went downstairs with a load of laundry. I started the laundry and then grabbed my breakfast and came upstairs to eat. I also grabbed the mail and I got a letter today…from F! It was very sweet. He was basically saying thank you for my hard work while he’s away. He hasn’t sent me a letter since we were first dating, so it was a special treat.

I did another load of laundry and ate my breakfast. I relaxed for a while and then around 1:30, I got dressed so I’d be ready when my SIL came to pick me up. However…she didn’t come. Oh, dear. I waited downstairs for an hour, and even a little bit longer. I gave up. 

I went back upstairs and emailed F to ask if he’d heard from his sister. He checked with her and she would come on Monday, not Friday. I think it was my own fault. In my head I said Friday, but I think on my lips it came out as Monday. I was trying to speak in Japanese after all. Oh, dear. She very graciously offered to come and take me out today after all and I accepted. Dear F had to be the middle man in this thing!

She came by a little while later and picked me up. I asked her to take me to Mina. She drove me over there and gave me some time to go shopping. I was very happy!  I went to the hundred yen shop first and grabbed a new jug to make drinks in, then did my grocery shopping. 

I got a lot of stuff. It was the most expensive shopping I think I’ve done in Tsuruoka! But, it was good. I picked up heavy things that wouldn’t generally fit in my backpack.

I met up with my SIL and she brought me back to the house. She asked me when I wanted to go again and I said I didn’t know. I also asked her (via Google Translate) if she would check in on her mother on Wednesday as I’m planning to go out that day and K won’t use the air conditioner if it is really hot. She said she would. Woot.

I put away the groceries and then went upstairs. I had a little bit of rest before going downstairs again to cook dinner. Tonight I made a veggie sausage bake in the air fryer. It turned out great! I did go a little past 7 pm but hopefully, it was worth it. We finished off the beets and yesterday’s zucchini dish so that was good.

I did the dishes and when I was finished I went upstairs and relaxed. I watched another episode of Miranda and then an episode of Gordon Ramsey’s Hells Kitchen from Britain. 

I took a shower and then watched some of the news that I had recorded earlier in the day. When that finished, I went online and watched a bit of YouTube and started blogging. Now, I’m done!

Tomorrow I just plan to stay at the house and relax. I’m not really thinking to go out anywhere. I may go out on Sunday, but I’m not sure yet. 

Anyway, that’s it for me for today. The middle was a bit frustrating because my bad Japanese put people out, but my SIL is very nice and it was so good of her to take me out. 

Come back later if you want and read all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow…

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