September 19, 2023

 Tuesday morning - Sunny and cool

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  After lunch, my sister took me into Edmonton and I did a little shopping. I did rather well. I bought some new socks, a few shirts and a new bra! I'm not sure if the bra is really the right size though. It was so uncomfortable. I have others that are similar so I'm hoping it'll relax a bit!

I managed to stay awake and reasonably lucid until 9:00pm last night.  I had dinner with my nephew and sister and then watched part one of a series that they said I had to watch. It was good! It was Inside Man with Stanley Tucci and David Tennant. I hope I get to watch the rest of it. 

But, by 9 pm I was too tired to function, so I went to bed and slept for a few hours. I woke up around 1:30 am, played with my phone for a while and then went back to sleep. I woke up again around 6:30 and dozed on and off until I got up this morning.

It's been quite a strange thing being able to understand everyone though. I went to the bank yesterday to exchange some of my money and I could do it all by myself. I didn't need help from F or my phone's Google Translate. 

I've also been a bit nervous to hear about the homeless problem in my city and how certain areas of the city aren't really safe anymore. My sister is advising me that if I want to use the LRT system (Light Rail Transit) that I should go with my nephew as he's a strapping lad and likely wouldn't get messed with. That's a big change. 

I hope to be able to get out and about by myself and do a bit more shopping in Edmonton. Today, my sister and I might do a Costco run or go somewhere else, it just depends what she needs to do. If I go to Costco, I have to remember to tell them I'm an International Member...don't ask me how I know that!

Anyway, must be off. Will try to update tomorrow....

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