December 24, 2023

Sunday - Warmer, and rainy  

I slept in a bit this morning, and I think F did for a while too. He got up later and made brunch for his mother. I got myself out of bed, dressed and opened my advent calendar. I wasn’t able to make my tea right away though.

F drove me over to S-Mall and I got out and went into the mall. I first went to the bakery and bought a sandwich and a tea. I went to the seating area. There was a jerky guy taking up a lot of room so as I got close to him I said “Sumimasen” which is basically “Excuse me” thinking he would move his chair. He didn’t. I’m afraid I put myself on Santa’s bad list because I said a few choice words about him in English. I wish I could say that he moved or was gone when I left, but he didn’t. He was still there. 

I did a little shopping. I checked out the grocery store but didn’t get anything. I visited the import store and planned what to buy later. Then, I went upstairs to the hundred-yen shop. I picked up a few things for myself, the house, and F. I wanted to put a few silly things for his Christmas present. He already knows the main things I gave him, but I wanted a little bit of a surprise for him. 

I went back to the import store and picked up a different tea advent calendar that was on sale. When I was in the shop earlier, there were two left, now there was only one. I think I’ll just drink these as I feel like it, I’m not going to post them because the time for Advent Calendars is over really!

I was walking around the mall looking at things when I thought I saw F leaving the mall. That was surprising. I followed him and discovered that he had just gone to his car. I knocked on the window and dumped off my stuff. His phone battery had run down and he had gone to the coffee shop to see if I had made it there yet. I hadn’t!

We went back and had a cup of cafe mocha each. I liked it, F thought it was too sweet. 

After our drink, we went to have lunch to Misono. It’s a small family-run cafe. We went and I had chicken cutlet without rice and miso soup, and F had ramen. He didn’t like his, but mine was fine.

Then, we went grocery shopping. Sigh. I did get F to come in the shop with me to cash in my points for some of our Christmas meals, and to pick a couple of vegetables, but then he went back to the car. I did a shop for things that I needed for tomorrow, and my own breakfast and lunch, so that was good. When I had everything in my basket, I went to check out and…the lines were huge. There were probably 20 people in line before me. I should have realized because when we arrived, there were no buggies available in the entrance. Sigh. I waited in line for probably 30 minutes. People were patient and the clerk that served me was efficient, so it wasn’t too bad. 

F and I came back to the house. I put the groceries away and then came upstairs. I grabbed the kerosene tank and went downstairs and filled it up. Back upstairs again, I heated up the room, watched some YouTube and waited for F to come upstairs and chat with me. He didn’t. 

I decided to try my Advent Calendar tea. Today was a Holiday Tea. I’d never heard of it before. It was a decent tea, but honestly, I didn’t know why it was a holiday tea! I expected it would be a bit spicy or have some kind of Christmas flavour, but nothing. It was a standard-tasting tea. Nice, but wouldn’t go out of my way to have it again. Strange that it was the final one!

Very different from what I expected!

He came upstairs somewhere around 8 pm and wanted to know where I wanted to have dinner. He wanted ramen…again. I told him to leave me off someplace and he could have it. 

Then I suggested going to Kappa Sushi which was acceptable to him. We went and had an okay meal. F does this thing at the beginning where he grabs the menu or tablet and orders a bunch of stuff, sometimes he wants things that I don’t. I turned him down for most of it. I grabbed the tablet and ordered a few things for myself and him too if he wanted it. We had an okay meal. It wasn’t fabulous, but it did the job. We even shared a dessert which was quite nice. 

We drove back to the house but on the way, I started to complain to F that he and his mother never help me with the meals. I’m serious. F is always hiding in the bedroom upstairs and never thinks of bringing things to the table for me. His mother just sits there and looks at me. She doesn’t even get her false teeth until F is downstairs. Our dinners are never hot and I hate it. Then, afterwards, F doesn’t even blooming hand me his plate when I’m stacking dishes, I have to ask him every time. I get no help with dishes either. He got mad at me and said that he didn’t want me to cook for him anymore. That’s fine with me, but I’m not cooking for his mother in that case either. He usually has a second meal later on these days, it is very annoying. I was upset with him but realized getting on his case the night before Christmas wasn’t the smartest idea. He told me that he couldn’t help because his knees hurt. I told him that mine do too, but that isn’t important to him. Sigh.

I remembered that we hadn’t picked up kerosene before we got to the house, so we turned around and went to the gas station. F filled our tanks and then filled the car. 

We came back to the house and I came upstairs. F came up a bit later.  I watched an episode of The Closer. I really like how the show is going. I know it is older, but I enjoy it a lot. 

After midnight F wished me a Merry Christmas and a few minutes later I asked if he wanted his presents now. He said yes, so we did our exchange. He liked the things I got him yesterday, he is wearing the pyjamas in bed now, and the belt should be fine too. He liked most of the extra stuff I got him, but he didn’t like one of the snacks. He did try it though.

I got my stuff again and at the bottom of the bag was a nice envelope with “Love” written on it and a ten thousand yen bill. That was really sweet. 

So, that’s about it for my day. Tomorrow I have my “Nibbles Buffet” planned and I have to cook a chicken in my air fryer. I also have to prepare many of the foods for Christmas dinner. I hope it’ll be fun. 

Come back later if you like and hear about my day. Until tomorrow….Merry Christmas!!

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