November 30, 2023

Thursday - Snowy, rainy and cold

I woke up fairly early this morning, I saw F leave for work but fell back asleep afterwards. I got up earlier than usual as I remembered that F’s sister was coming over. I went downstairs and I saw her, but I don’t think she saw me!

I came back upstairs and got properly dressed and just relaxed for a bit. I checked out my favourite internet sites and then went downstairs around 11 to grab breakfast. F’s sister was gone by then.

I came upstairs and ate and then I got stuck into my ornament. I got it done. Woot. It took a while really, but it looked quite nice when it was done. I had lunch and worked on the ornament a little more. I even did some in the evening, even though I thought it was done!

I went downstairs later on to start dinner. Tonight I did a fish stir-fry and I also made a marinated eggplant dish. For that one, I had to do it early so that I could let it sit in the fridge for an hour. 

When F came back from work, I asked him if the rice from Tuesday would still be okay. He said it would, but when I went to put it on the plate, it wasn’t. Oh dear. Luckily I had the bachelor pack rice in the kitchen, so made some of that for my crew. 

Dinner was quite good and everyone seemed to enjoy it. F was quiet and was listening to his entertainers on his app. That was annoying as I was trying to listen to the news. He doesn’t seem to notice how rude he is being. 

After dinner, I did the dishes and then I went upstairs. F and I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store, so we did that. I went into the store and picked up some stuff for breakfast for the others. I’ve sort of decided that I should go to the post office tomorrow. I need to mail my craft off for the exchange and I have to check my Christmas cards. I bought them in Canada and they may be just too small to send in Japan. Sigh. If I can’t send them, I’ll probably have to buy some bigger envelopes and send them that way. 

I watched some YouTube and then The Rookie, which was a pretty good one tonight. It was good. The serial killer had John’s girlfriend trapped in a tank in the basement of a house. It was reasonably suspenseful. 

I wrote a few Christmas cards tonight. I still have a bunch to write though. 

After the show was over I turned off the TV and then finished up the cards I was sending. I really hope I don’t have to buy new envelopes for the cards! The envelopes are decorated on the back. 

Anyway, I’m done for today. I hope that I manage to get out of the house tomorrow and send the fun box out. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day! Until tomorrow….'s a sneak preview of the ornaments that I'm sending....


Helen said...


Thank you for your comment! Because it was more like a letter, I didn't publish it. I've got a busy weekend so it may take a few days to answer.

I'm glad you liked the ornaments too! I sent them out today. Hurray!!

Kelly said...

Hey Helen those ornaments are so cute! Would you mind sharing the link to the pattern you used? I'm looking for something to make as a gift for some friends and I think this would be perfect. 😊

Helen said...

Thanks, Kelly.
I actually found them on YouTube, check for a channel called Zhielle's Creation. They are two separate videos. One of them is titled Super easy ornaments for Christmas and the other is How to crochet the Christmas ornaments.

Hope that helps!

Kelly said...

Thanks so much! 😊