December 1, 2023

Friday - Rainy and cold, plus snow overnight

I woke up after F left this morning which was a surprise. I’ve woken up before F got up the last couple of days! I went downstairs and then came back to bed and slept a bit later. 

I got up, dressed and spent a bit of time on my computer. Then I started to get ready to go out. I left the house around 11:30 and waited for the bus. Today the bus was a little late but it was also quite full. I had to sit at the back of the bus. A lot of people got on and got off too. This is excellent because it means that people are using the buses! 

I got off near the main post office so I went in and sent off my ornaments and some of my Christmas cards. The lady did measure them, but she took them….so hopefully they’ll be okay!

After I sent my mail, I visited the bank section of the post office and I deposited some money and another fifty one-yen coins. Yay me. 

I walked from the post office over to the Indian restaurant. It’s a bit of a hike, but I mostly enjoyed it. There was a cool temple on the corner and later on, a butcher’s shop that had decorated for Christmas. They often do and I got a chuckle at this year’s decorations. 

The Big Temple on the Corner.

The Butcher's Shop. They always have cool decorations for Christmas.

I went to the Indian restaurant for lunch and… it wasn’t very good. As usual, despite ordering my food a bit spicy (medium) it had NO spice at all and even worse, it wasn’t hot. I think I need to stop going there. I just get tired of Japanese food sometimes.

From the Indian restaurant, I made a short stop in the drugstore next to it, then walked over to S-Mall. I did a little shopping and then went and had a drink in Doutor. I was going to catch a bus back to the house but…I left the coffee shop a little late and needed the washroom first so I missed the bus. While I was waiting for the next one, I just decided that I didn’t want to go back to the house after all. 

I went and did a bit more shopping, had some ice cream, and then I wandered around some more. F finally called me after 5:30 or so and a bit later we met up. We went to Doutors and we had some coffee. F had regular coffee, I had decaf and it was nice.

We picked up a few bentos and groceries from the grocery store and then brought them back to the house. We were thinking of going to Costco tomorrow, but we might postpone it until Sunday. I’m quite tired and F is worried about his mother I think. 

F and I went out for our dinner. Our first choice was closed when we got there, so we went to a Udon Chain restaurant. It was surprisingly busy, but we had a good meal there. It wasn’t the best ever, but it was fine. 

We came back to the house after that. I got the room upstairs heated up and then I went downstairs and took a shower. I came back upstairs and spent most of the time watching YouTube and drinking tea. 

Oh, that reminds me! I opened my Twinings Advent Calendar today and my first tea was Darjeeling. I did have to drink the tea rather later than I wanted, but it was very nice. I tried to drink it without milk, but I had a hard time doing that. I put some of my milk powder in it after the first few sips. 

So, that’s about it for me. I’m not sure what I am going to get up to tomorrow. If we don’t do much, I might put up my Christmas tree but I might wait until Monday for that!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow….

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