Thursday - Rainy, cloudy and cool
I woke up early this morning. I’m trying to wake up a little earlier. F did wake me up in the morning, but I managed to fall back asleep until my alarm went off.
I got up, went downstairs and then I came back to the room. I got dressed and went back to bed for a nap.
My alarm went off but I snoozed for a bit and then F came back! He had an hour and a half where he had nothing to do as the person he drove was busy. He found me in bed, and I think he thought it was funny. He ended up going back downstairs, making himself some ramen and then checking out the fish tank. F found out last night that his fish tank had been leaking onto the tatami. Oh horrors.
Today, he noticed that the tank had leaked more, so he moved it. It’s probably a good thing that he was back at the house for a while. He moved the tank into the hallway and it seems to be okay so far. I gave him a coffee before he left. I had eaten my breakfast and I did a load of laundry too. I’d finally got some done. Yay.
In the afternoon I relaxed for a while, watched some news and a bit later grabbed my lunch. I ate and watched another episode of Fringe.
A bit after F called tonight I went downstairs. I took the kerosene tank from the heater and some bottles downstairs. I put the bottles in the kitchen, filled up the kerosene tank and took it upstairs. Then, I came downstairs again with my plate from lunch.
Tonight I did a simple little meal. I reheated the chilli and made nachos. We had those with salad. It was quite a nice meal. It wasn’t the healthiest but we don’t have it that often anyway. K and I ate rather well and were stuffed at the end, but F had some rice and mentaiko.
I went off to do the dishes and listen to my podcasts. They didn’t take too long today which was rather nice. I went upstairs and relaxed for a bit.
I took a shower and then came back upstairs. I watched The Rookie and then turned off the TV.
And really, that’s about it for my day. Tomorrow I should do more laundry and then we’ll see. F suggested going to Costco this weekend. I’m not sure if it is a good idea or not. It’s a long weekend but I am out of my favourite sort of cheese, so I would kind of like to go!
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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