Friday - Cloudy and cooler
I slept past my alarm a little this morning, but I didn’t mind. I went downstairs, came back upstairs and got dressed. Then, you guessed it, I went back to bed!
I overslept a tad but then got up and went downstairs to grab my breakfast. I had a fairly quiet morning and afternoon. I was thrilled that NHK ran The Quick and the Dead today. Russell Crowe, Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Leonardo DiCaprio….I love that film. It is one of my favourites. I didn’t watch it all, but I enjoyed what I saw again.
I got my lunch around 2pm, came back and caught the end of my movie. After it was done, I put on an episode of Fringe too. I did watch a lot of YouTube today too.
F called me after he finished work and said he was coming back. I went downstairs and got started on dinner. Tonight, I made a dessert and put it in the fridge. I air-fried some French Fries, heated up some burgers and made a macaroni-cheese mix up on the stove and at the end, I threw in some frozen peas. We had salad with everything too. Dinner was good.
I did the dishes afterwards and then went upstairs to relax. I decided to watch a couple of things off the Fire Stick again. I watched another episode of Fringe and then another one of Slow Horses. I did a bit of crochet during the last one. I'm nearly done my shawl I think!
I turned off the TV and after that, I’ve been doing the YouTube thing and thinking about going to bed.
F still wants to go to Costco, I’m thinking we might go on Sunday. I think we both need a decompression day before and after a trip to Costco!
I’m hoping that we can go and see a movie tomorrow, but I’m not sure if we’ll be able to or not. Fingers crossed.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…..
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