March 19, 2024

 Tuesday - Cloudy, windy, rainy & colder

F woke me up this morning, not so much with his regular noise, but because of his phone noise. He was listening to something without headphones on. He was playing whatever quietly, but it was still quite noisy to me. I pulled the covers over my head and F left soon afterward.

I slept for a while and then I got up. Yes, I did the normal thing of going back to bed to try to sleep longer but there was a lot of noise from the house being built nearby. 

I got up a bit later, grabbed breakfast and got on with my day. I ate and watched the news a bit after noon too.  When I went downstairs to make my lunch, I also made some jelly for dinner’s dessert. I came back upstairs, ate my lunch and yes, watched another episode of Fringe. It’s just so good!

F didn’t call at his usual time, so I knew he was still working. He’d warned me that he would be. I went down to the kitchen and got a bit of a start on dinner. Tonight I was making a stir-fry from a package. I had to prepare some cabbage and the meat. I also plated some macaroni salad, the salad and didn’t know when to start cooking. F wasn’t back yet. He called a little later to say that he was on the way. 

I started cooking around 7:00 and got everything done fairly quickly. F had prepared the rice for me last night and cooked it overnight. I set the table, called F down and tried to corral everyone to come and eat. As soon as F appeared, K vanished to get her teeth. Eye roll. I don’t know why she can’t do it while I’m setting the table. 

Dinner was good, everything that I put on the table was eaten. Everything was eaten! It’s a good thing I took food out for K earlier. All the strawberry jelly disappeared and it was a nice treat. It was a little sweet for me, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it.

I did the dishes after dinner and listened to some podcasts. After that I told F that I was going upstairs and I did. I relaxed for a while and then watched FBI: Most Wanted. It was a good one tonight where one of the FBI crew was abducted as she tried to help a young girl. It was a good episode.

And that’s about it. Tomorrow is a national holiday so F has the day off. I’m hoping that we’ll go and see Dune 2 finally. I hope so. There are movies in English this week and we haven’t seen any of them yet. Grr.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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