May 2, 2024

 Thursday - Sunny but cool

I woke up really early this morning…at 7:30 am. F had already left. I made a trip downstairs and did the thing where I come back upstairs and get dressed. I did go back to bed for a couple of hours, but did get up earlier than I have in ages.

When I got up, I sorted out my laundry and took a load downstairs. Today I did 3 loads of laundry over the morning and afternoon, so that was a good thing. It’s hanging up all over our bedroom!

I had a quiet morning and afternoon apart from the laundry. I watched the news and some YouTube, but honestly, not that much YouTube! Over my lunchtime I watched another episode of The Great British Sewing Bee. It was good, but I really was not on the same level when I used to sew. 

F called to say that he was on the way back so I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. Tonight I made a stir-fry and also a cucumber pickle kind of thing that K really likes. We also had potato salad from the store and for a change, no salad.

It took a while but I finally got it on the table. I called F down and woke K up so we had a nice dinner. For a change, most of the food disappeared. F even had seconds and maybe thirds! K was happy to have that cucumber pickle.

After dinner I did the dishes and then headed upstairs for a break. After an hour and a bit I came downstairs again and took a shower. 

I went back upstairs and watched The Rookie offshoot Feds. I’m not sure that I want to keep watching it. It wasn’t great, but it was okay. 

That’s about it since then I’ve been watching YouTube and blogging. 

We don’t have any plans for this holiday. I wish we had something, but nope. It could be difficult. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Golden Week holiday. Until tomorrow….

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