May 9, 2024

 Thursday - Colder and rainy

Well, today didn’t get off to a good start. F woke me up and said that he was taking the day off work and going to the doctor. I’m afraid I wasn’t too pleased with him. I went downstairs and then came back upstairs and went back to bed and fell asleep again. I woke up at 8 am when F’s alarm clock went off. He didn’t turn it off when he left. I slept on until a bit after 10, then got up and got dressed. F returned around the same time.

He asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch and of course, I said no. After Monday I’m not sure that I will want to have lunch with him for a while. Besides, I had a nice lunch already planned for myself.

F went back to bed and I stayed up, had breakfast and watched some TV and YouTube. Later in the afternoon I went downstairs and grabbed lunch. When I came back to the room I put on the last episode of The Great British Sewing Bee and watched that. It was great and the right person won I think. When it was over, I watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory. I needed a laugh. 

Barbie came on WOWOW a bit later and I watched the first part of that and then went downstairs to get started on dinner. 

Tonight’s dinner was fairly simple. I did hamburgers from the store, fries in my air fryer, eggplant, salad and some spaghetti salad. I put out some mayo and some rayu oil with garlic for the fries. A sushi restaurant serves theirs that way and it is good! I saw that F was in the washroom and asked if he wanted to eat with us. Sadly, he said no. I made a plate for K’s lunch for tomorrow, and after K and I ate, one for my own lunch too.

K and I ate and we enjoyed our meal. She seemed to enjoy it. She did ask if F would come but I let her know that he wasn’t going to. 

After dinner, I took the leftover food and put it on a plate for myself for lunch. There was a burger, a few fries, some eggplant and some spaghetti salad. I put the plates in the fridge. 

I did the dishes and put them away. I listened to my podcasts and I also tried to clean my air fryer inside a little. I went upstairs and relaxed for a while with some YouTube.

A few minutes later, F went downstairs…and came back with a plate of food. He thanked me for putting aside a plate of food for him. I didn’t tell him that I put it aside for ME! Oh well. It’s fine. I just assumed he’d make himself ramen as usual. Of course, he made himself ramen later anyway!

I took a shower and then came up and watched The Rookie: Feds or whatever it is called. I’m still lukewarm about that show.

So the weekend is starting to shape up. We’ll probably go to a movie on Saturday and we might even go to Sakata on Sunday to visit a friend and another visiting friend. F’s car is going in for maintenance on Saturday too, so we have to factor in for that. 

Anyway, that’s it for me. I might do some laundry tomorrow, or I might wait until next week, I’m not sure. I’ll be cooking dinner tomorrow night again…I hope it goes well! 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…..

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