September 1, 2024

Sunday - Hot and sunny

I went to bed a bit late last night. I did try and get to bed on time but didn’t. This morning when my alarm went off, I was still tired. Oh well. I got up and eventually got dressed.

F and I were ready to leave at 10:30 and my friend N and her daughter arrived just then.  We drove off to Arpeggio and parked. We ended up being a little too early, but it was fine. We found some shade and had a nice chat before we were able to go in. Lunch was very nice. I had my new favourite chicken fingers set meal, F had the many items tray and our guests had the bacon steak and another chicken fingers set. We all enjoyed our meals and time went very fast. Soon it was time to go our separate ways, so we had a few hugs goodbye.

F and I decided to go for coffee to Komeda. I was fine with it for a change. We were able to get in right away. I was all for having an iced coffee, but F suggested kakigori. Okay then! We both had the tropical kakigori which had 3 types of syrup on it and we added on some soft ice cream. It was very nice.  While we were sitting there we talked about what we’d like to do next and I said I’d like to go back to the house and take a nap! F said he’d like to do that too, so that’s what we did!

Tropical Kakigori with soft ice cream

When I arrived at the house, I stripped off most of my clothing, put on my pyjamas and went to bed. I ended up sleeping for 3 hours. I was a little shocked when I woke up and it was getting dark. 

F went out and got a bento for his mother, I got redressed and then we went out for our dinner when he came back. We were going to go to the nearby Chinese restaurant, but it was quite busy. Then, we decided to have keiten sushi. The place we tried was bustling, then the next restaurant was closed. Ack. Finally, F suggested another Chinese restaurant that we like. It was fine. We drove over there and went in.

Tonight, instead of set meals, we got 3 big plates of food and some gyoza and ate them. Now, unfortunately, I let F pick most of the main dishes and he chose two pork dishes and the gyoza. I got fried rice. We did ask if they had any veggie dishes, but no they didn’t. Sigh. The food was good, but it really wasn’t what I was in the mood for. I wouldn’t have either of the main meat dishes again. They actually came with rice too, so F got a lot of rice tonight! We left the restaurant.

Tonight I wanted to try a different from the usual grocery store, so we went to the one downtown. I went in and got some food for the next two dinners for us all. When I had checked out and was packing up my groceries, I saw someone outside the window waving to me. It was my hairdresser! I waved back to her. I really need to go and visit her, my hair is getting so long that I have to pin it out of my face these days. 

I returned to the car and then drove back to the house. F took some of the groceries and I put the rest away. I came upstairs and started cooling the room down, F was ironing his clothing downstairs. I decided that I was going to watch something off the Fire Disk. I decided that I was going to try Gotham, so I watched the first episode of that. I enjoyed it. I followed that up with the final episode of The Reluctant Traveller. It was set in Spain and was interesting, but not a place that I wanted to visit. 

And that’s about it for my day. I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do something interesting. Come back later if you like. Until tomorrow….

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