August 31, 2024

Saturday - Rainy, cloudy and humid

I woke up around 7:30 because F’s alarm went off. F was nowhere in sight. He’d gone downstairs. I was not best pleased. I turned off the alarm and then when he came back into the room I grumped a bit before I fell asleep again.

I slept in quite late today, which is something that I wanted to do. Yay me. When I did drag myself out of bed. F wanted to know where I wanted to go for lunch. He let me know that he didn’t want to eat this afternoon. Oh dear. 

I finally fixed on Mon Ami, the restaurant in the Daiichi Hotel in S-Mall. I’d picked up their menu for their weekly specials and today’s looked interesting. It was chicken in a lemon butter sauce. F drove me to the hotel and basically dumped me off. I thought he’d come in, but he decided to go back to the house and get his phone. Then, he said he’d wait for me outside the mall. Sigh. 

I went into the restaurant and had a lovely meal. The chicken was excellent and it was just nice to have good food and no fighting over it. When I left the restaurant, I paid, got a small discount as I have a membership card, and then I went out into the mall. I made a quick trip upstairs to Daiso, the hundred-yen shop. I picked up a few things and then went out to the car to see F. He wanted to go back to the house, so that’s what we did. 

I went upstairs and spent time in our room. I was surprised that F didn’t come upstairs and nap. He wasn’t doing that well. I told him to make sure to drink a lot of water yesterday, but he didn’t drink enough I think. Finally, after his mother came back to the house he came upstairs. He wasn’t doing well, so I gave up the idea of going to see the movie. Then, he said that he could go and have a massage at 8pm. I said that if he did that, he could take me to the cinema first so that I could go and see Terminator 2. That is basically what we decided to do!

F tried to feed his mother, but she wasn’t hungry tonight, so he left her alone. We decided to go out for sushi, but on the way there changed to gyudon because we thought it was quicker. It probably was! I had a gyudon with three cheeses and a salad and miso soup, and F had gyudon with a raw egg, miso soup and pickles. 

We left and F drove me over to Machi-Kinema and I went in. I bought my ticket and a drink to have during the movie. They don’t have proper popcorn at this cinema so I didn’t have any of that either. So, how was Terminator 2: Judgment Day after all these years?  Really good. It holds up amazingly well. Recently I have hated James Cameron’s films, but this was good. 

After the movie, I went to the washroom and then went outside to see if F was there. One of the guys had to let me out, I guess I was the last person in the cinema, barring staff that is. Luckily, F was outside in the car. I went over and as I got in, I knocked off the drink holder that F attached to the car. It fell on the ground outside the car. F wasn’t pleased. I picked it up and gave it to him. Honestly, I rarely use the holder. I hope he isn’t too angry about it. He said he wasn’t, but I don’t know. It was dark in the car.

We came back towards the house. I said I wanted to get something from a convenience store and as we made to turn into one, we noticed the gas tank was nearly empty. F said he’d fill it tomorrow, but I reminded him that we have friends coming over and he has to drive us somewhere. He might not have time to go out first. He decided to take us to the gas station after the conbini. 

F filled up the car and then we came back to the house. I started my waterpot and a little later went downstairs to take a quick shower.

After my shower, I ate my yaki-udon from the conbini and then did a bunch of things on my computer. And now you are caught up.

Tomorrow I have an early start, but not as early as my friend’s. Her son is playing baseball at the park nearby, so she’ll come out with us and have lunch. We’ve already made reservations so it should go well. Hopefully, F will feel better by then. 

Come back later if you like and find out how our Sunday goes. Until tomorrow…. 

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