September 3, 2024

Tuesday - Sunny and cooler. 

Today’s weather, especially in the morning was lovely. It was sunny, but not very hot and not humid for a long time. I even opened the window in the room and I didn’t use the air conditioner until quite late in the afternoon. Our room traps the heat so it was getting rather warm today. 

I woke up fairly early, went downstairs then came back to bed and watched a few videos on my phone before going back to sleep. I woke up later and got up and dressed. I went downstairs and got my breakfast and then came back up to eat and watch some YouTube.

I had a quiet afternoon. I did go downstairs and put in a load of laundry. When it was finished, I grabbed my laundry from the machine and left it by the stairs. Then, I got my lunch. 

I came back upstairs to eat but first I hung up my laundry. I watched Saturday’s episode of CSI: Las Vegas and it was quite good. It was also a long time since I saw the episode before it! 

I watched the news and then a while later I got a call from F. He said that he was going to be late tonight as he had to drive to a town north of Sakata. I changed and went downstairs a few minutes later and got a start on dinner. Tonight I did toaster oven chicken with salad, potato salad, cucumber pickle and okra. F had made rice for us so that was a nice thing. F arrived just as I was getting everything on the table. His timing was good. We sat down and ate and the food was generally good. Most of the food disappeared so that was good.

I did the dishes and listened to my podcasts. After I finished I went upstairs and changed my clothes to go out. I was a bit tired and asked F for a few minutes to rest, but…The next thing I heard was him opening the car door outside. It’s a tad annoying when he does that because I really just needed a break for a minute. 

I went downstairs and out to the car. I suggested going to Mina, so we went there. I went in and did the shopping. I managed to find a couple of onigiri for F’s breakfast tomorrow, and then I got some stuff for dinner for the next couple of days. When I finished shopping I checked out and then went out to the car. F and I came back to the house and I put the groceries away. 

I went upstairs with my stuff and a can of root beer and some ice. For a few minutes, I was in bliss drinking my cold root beer and just relaxing. 

At 11pm I watched Resident Alien and it was a good one. Harry’s offspring came back and he kept trying to kill it. It was funny but silly.

When it was over, I turned off the TV and I asked F if he’d like some chips. About a year ago I bought some chips at Costco that we have never opened. We had some and they were nice. They were from Canada and were Wasabi Ranch flavour. So, they were spicy, but cool too. 

Anyway, that’s about it for today. I have a few things in mind for tomorrow, but I think I’ll keep them to myself for now. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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