September 4, 2024

Wednesday - Warm and Sunny, not very humid!

F woke me up this morning on purpose at 6:30. He thought he had lost his car keys and he wanted me to give him the spare set that I keep hidden away. I was halfway to my desk when he found his own set. I’m glad for him. I didn’t get mad at him of course because it almost was an emergency. He left and I went downstairs and then went back to bed. 

I slept on for a while. My alarm did go off but I overslept a bit. Oh well. I finally dragged myself out of bed and got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast. 

I had a fairly quiet morning and afternoon. About halfway through the afternoon, I changed the bedsheet, but I didn’t wash it yet. It was a little late for the afternoon to start a wash. I grabbed my lunch later and then I came back upstairs to eat. I watched Major Crimes today.

F called me a couple of hours later to say that he was on the way back, so I went downstairs to start dinner. Tonight we had chicken wings and bibinba rice, cucumber sticks, salad and potato salad. It was quite good and everyone seemed to enjoy dinner. 

After dinner, I cleared the table and did the dishes. I listened to a couple of podcasts, which I really enjoyed. When the dishes were done and dusted, I did up the garbage in the kitchen. I put it all in the genkan for F to take out later. 

I went upstairs with a bottle of Aquarius Zero and did up the garbage in the room. I left my bag for F to put his stuff in it if he wanted to. 

A little after 10pm I went downstairs and took a shower. Because it just wasn’t as horribly hot as it had been, I did a bit of spot-cleaning in the shower. 

I came back upstairs and watched Wild Cards on WOWOW. It was a bit fun tonight. I do enjoy getting glimpses of Vancouver when I watch the show. 

F and I had a quiet evening and he has now gone to bed. I’ll be off there too soon. 


I'm not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. Come back later and find out. Until tomorrow….

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