October 5, 2024

 Saturday - Cloudy, Warm, but fine

I woke up this morning when F got up. I think he might have been particularly noisy for my benefit!  I went downstairs for a few minutes after he left, then came back upstairs and went back to bed. I slept for quite a while.

I got up again around 11 and went downstairs. I went to see F and how his medical thing went. He said it was okay. He’ll have to get the results later in the week. He was nice to me, which really surprised me after last night! He even asked me if I wanted to go for lunch (yes) and suggested a place. He couldn’t remember it properly at first and then when he did it was a nice place so I was fine. 

I went back upstairs to change into going-out clothes and then we left. We drove out to Fujishima to Cafe Fujinoya. It wasn’t busy today, so we got a good parking spot and went in. We were shown to our table and we ordered. We both had their basic lunch. It was ginger pork and came with salad, side dishes, rice and miso soup. It was nice. It didn’t come with coffee and we forgot to order some anyway! We paid and left.

F drove us to Starbucks and we tried their new chocolate moussed latte, the hot one. It was very nice. A little sweet, but quite delicious. We were able to get a table and spent a bit of time there. 

We came back to the house after that and I got F to help me change the bedsheet. His side of the bed is the hardest because of his “stuff”. We got it done. I was hoping he’d help me turn the mattress first, but he didn’t. He wasn’t at his best healthwise today, so I get it. 

We spent a couple of hours in the house. I relaxed and spent time on my computer. F was downstairs for much of it. K came back around 5 and I asked F if he was going to make dinner for his mother. He decided to get her a bento.

When he returned, he gave her some sushi and we went out. Tonight we went to Machi-ne Kinema to see Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. I’ve seen it a couple of times on TV, but F hadn’t. Also, it is such a sweet film that I really wanted to see it on a big screen. It was lovely! I was happy that F liked it as well. 

After the movie, we went to Kappa Sushi for dinner. We did talk about different places to go and that was the one of my suggestions that F picked. It was fine. We went over to the restaurant and got in right away. Yay. 

We had a decent meal and then came back to the house. I relaxed for a while and then remembered I should have a shower tonight! I went downstairs and took one. 

I watched CSI: Las Vegas tonight and it was the one with a radiation murder. It was quite interesting. I turned off the TV afterwards and watched some YouTube.

And that’s about it for my day. Tomorrow I’m off to Yamagata for a few days. I don’t plan to blog while I’m away so don’t miss me too much. 

Come back later and read about my trip in a few days. Until tomorrow….

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