February 26, 2025

Wednesday - Warmer and clear. 

I woke up when my alarm went off this morning. I went downstairs and then came back to the room. I watched some videos and then I went back for another snooze.

I got up later, dressed and went downstairs to get my breakfast. I brought it back upstairs to my room and ate. I watched some of the news as well. I had a very quiet afternoon. I did a row of knitting and also worked on my column. I think I finished it too! Woot.

F texted me during the day and said that he had booked himself in for a massage in the evening, at 8 pm. Yikes. We generally eat at 7pm, or thereabouts. That didn’t give him a lot of time to digest. 

At lunch I went downstairs to put my lunch together and brought it upstairs to the room. I watched an episode of The Walking Dead and then I half-watched the news. I’m getting overloaded and angry every time I see the orange idiot on TV, or even just hear about him. 

F called me after 5 and hinted strongly that he’d like to eat dinner earlier than usual. I had a lot of prep to do tonight so I wasn’t too impressed, but I did go downstairs a bit earlier than normal. 

Today I cooked some buta-tama-kimchi (pork-egg & kimchi) and made a vegetable stirfry. Dinner was rather nice I think. We also had some salad, some macaroni salad and rice. F had made rice too. It was good. I even served it about 20 minutes early so F was able to finish up in time to take a shower before he left. 

I did the dishes, which weren’t too bad tonight and then I had to do the garbage up from the kitchen. I even asked K, since she was still up, for her garbage. She didn’t understand at first, but then she figured it out. She brought her yuckies over to me and put them in the bag. Hurray for that. I left the bag in the genkan and then went upstairs.

I waited for F as we had to do grocery shopping tonight. However, I heard the door open downstairs, but F didn’t appear. Hmm. I waited until 9:30 and went downstairs to check. F was sitting by himself in the living room with the TV blaring away. I reminded him that we had to go out and buy groceries and he seemed rather nonchalant about the fact that I’d been waiting for him!

I went back upstairs to get my coat and bag and then we were off. It was too late to go to a nearby grocery store, so we went over to MaxValu as it is a 24-hour grocery store. I went in and did the shopping by myself. I was a bit happy about that. 

I got some food for the next couple of days. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a ton of stuff, but it was okay. Tomorrow I’ll be making mini-hamburgers for us and having some mixed veggies and salad with them. There’ll be some rice as well I think.

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away. F wasn’t feeling too good, unfortunately. His stomach was protesting all day he said. I went upstairs and then had to go back down in order to fill up the kerosene tank again. With the colder weather, we’re having to refill the tanks in our heaters quite often. 

I watched an episode of Mythic Quest tonight. I’m enjoying it, but it isn’t quite as funny this season for me. I hope that it picks up soon. My DVR recorded tonight’s episodes of The Walking Dead so I’ll probably get round to them soon. 

That’s about it for me for today. It was an okay day and it was so nice that it didn’t snow at all. I’m so tired of snow!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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