February 28, 2025

Friday - Sunny and warm

I woke up again this morning when F got up and got ready for work. However, I pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep. Yay.

I ended up waking up before my alarm later. I got up and went downstairs and then came back to bed. I watched a couple of videos before going back for a bit of a snooze. 

I got up later, dressed and went downstairs to get my breakfast. I came back upstairs and ate. Then, I decided to get stuck into my column. I finally finished it and sent it into the editor. Yay. I also did a load of laundry and hung that up too.

At lunch, I went downstairs and put my lunch together. It was a bit small as I didn’t have any salad. I watched episode 7 of The Walking Dead and it was okay. I watched the news around 4 and also answered a text from F asking for English help.

F phoned after 5 to say he was on the way and I went downstairs and got started in the kitchen. F was back fairly early and he said he was hungry! I asked him when he’d like to eat and he said before now! Well, I don’t have a time machine of course, so I offered to make dinner a little bit early. I think it ended up being about 10-15 minutes before usual. Tonight we had spaghetti with garlic soy sauce, smoked duck and salad. It was really nice and almost everything disappeared. 

I did the dishes and went upstairs when I finished. It was a little early, somewhere around 8:30. I relaxed for a while and had a drink. I went downstairs to take a shower. After my shower, I made myself some popcorn with butter and Worchester sauce topping. That was very nice! I do love Worchester sauce!

I came back upstairs and watched an episode of The Great British Bake Off. I enjoyed it a lot. It was Pastry Week and I was surprised by what they had to make! Samosas don’t really seem like pastry…of course they are, but it was a tad odd. 

Anyway, after midnight the TV went off and I got things on the internet done. I’ll be going to bed soon as I’m a bit tired.

Tomorrow morning I have a dental appointment that I am almost looking forward to. I think one of my teeth has broken around a filling. It didn’t hurt at first, but more recently it is a little annoying to chew harder or chewy things on that side. I’m also hoping that we can go to a movie in the evening as there are now 3 movies in English in the area. Woot. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow….

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