March 11, 2025

Tuesday - Sunny and warmish

I woke up rather early this morning. F had left for work or an onsen but hadn’t turned off his alarm. It went off at 7:00am. I wasn’t too pleased.  I went downstairs and then came back to the room and went back to bed. I turned off my early alarms, watched a few videos and then fell asleep again. I didn’t get up for good until quite late.

I went downstairs after I dressed and made my breakfast. I took it upstairs to eat. I had a quiet afternoon with a bit of YouTube and a bit of falling asleep to some of the YouTubes!

I went downstairs a little early to get my lunch. While I was there, K was watching TV in the living room. I heard sirens on the TV, and I realized that it was 2:46 p.m., the time of the Earthquake. It was a long time ago, but it feels like it was just a little while ago. 

I went upstairs to eat my lunch and I watched an episode of Major Crimes. It’s been a while since I was able to do that. It was a good episode with missing children and SWAT. 

F phoned me after 5 pm and I went downstairs a little later to get started on dinner. I was busy making dinner tonight. Tonight I made a kabocha- cheese dish, hamburgers from scratch and some French fries, so I was a tad busy. We also had some potato salad and salad. I thought dinner was good and enough food. F had some leftover noodles right after dinner. 

When I started doing the dishes, I also cooked one last hamburger because I hadn’t space to cook the hamburger in the pan. There were a lot of dishes and it took me quite a while to do them all. I listened to podcasts again and they were quite entertaining. 

Around 9pm I was finished and I went upstairs. F was in the toilet. I got changed and F came upstairs for a couple of minutes too. F went downstairs. I went downstairs. He was in the toilet again. I sat on the steps and waited for him to get out. It took a while. I told him it was weird to be in the washroom both before and after I went upstairs and he tried to tell me it wasn’t him before, it was his mother. No it wasn’t. I checked specifically. 

We had to go to MaxValu today because we were too late for the regular place. F came in with me and did his usual yellling at me to not stop in the doorway. It didn’t seem to matter to him that I only stopped to give him a shopping basket. He just kept going. He was not my favourite person during tonight’s shopping trip. I was so angry with him all through it that I considered leaving him. I don’t mean just going back to the car, but permanently. I haven’t yet.

We finally finished and then went back to the car. We drove over to the drugstore across the street and went in and bought some tissues for K and some toilet paper. We’re running low.

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away. I took some stuff upstairs and tried to relax. I changed into my pajamas and then watched a little YouTube before watching FBI: Most Wanted. I started a new crochet project during the show. I’m thinking about making a hexagon granny cardigan for myself. I’ve always wanted to try it!

And that’s about it for me for tonight. I’m still somewhat annoyed with my husband. He woke me up with his thoughtlessness, he left his laundry in the washing machine all day when today is my usual laundry day and so I couldn’t do it. Also, his mother is going out tomorrow and I wanted to go out! She doesn’t have a key to the house so someone needs to be around to let her back in. I had plans to go out either tomorrow or Thursday. 

This week isn’t going my way so far. It’s time to end this and go to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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